Subject: Physical Activity, Fitness and Health
Scientific Area:
Sport Sciences
64 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - The central aim of the course is to provide the students with theoretical, practical and laboratorial competences that allow them to describe and interpret physical activity, fitness and health, including concepts, influencing factors and applications. At the end of the semester, the student should be able to:
2 - Master the concepts and interactions
3 - Understand the maturity-associated variation in growth, physique and performance
4 - Know the genetic regulation of the central phenotypes of study
5 - Understand the physical activity-associated variation in growth, maturation and performance
6 - Know the etiology and consequences of overweight and obesity
7 - Understand the social condition-associated variation in growth, maturation and performance
8 - Describe the tracking of growth, fitness and physical activity
9 - Identify the risk factors of common degenerative diseases
10 - Contextualize and discuss the growth and maturation processes in young athletes
11 - Analyse the secular trends
1 - Physical activity, fitness and health
2 - Maturity-associated variation in human physical growth and performance
3 - Genetic regulation
4 - Physical activity-associated variation in human physical growth, biological maturation and performance
5 - Obesity in childhood and adolescence
6 - Other factors affecting human physical growth, biological maturation, performance, and physical activity
7 - Tracking of human physical growth, physical activity and physical fitness
8 - Risk factors during growth and adult health
9 - The young athlete
11 - Secular trends in human physical growth, biological maturation, and performance
American College of Sports Medicine , 2006 , ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and prescription , Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Bouchard, C. Shephard, R., Stephens, T. , 1994 , Physical activity, fitness, and health. International Proceedings and Consensus Statement , Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, Inc.
Bouchard, C., Blair, S., Haskell, W. , 2012 , Physical activity and health , Champaign, Illinois.
Freitas, D.; Maia, J., Beunen, G., Lefevre, J., Claessens, A., Marques, A., Rodrigues, A., Silva, C., Crespo, M. , 2002 , Crescimento somático, maturação biológica, aptidão física, atividade física e estatuto socioeconómico de crianças e adolescentes madeirenses. O Estudo de Crescimento da Madeira , Universidade da Madeira
Malina, R., Bouchard, C., Bar-Or, O. , 2004 , Growth, maturation, and physical activity , Human Kinetics Books
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
1. Theoretical, theoretical-practical and laboratory teaching; 2. Slides and video-images are used to better clarify the theoretical items; 3. The regular presence of the students in the classes and an active participation in the form of individual/small groups discussion are stimulated; 4. Readings and preparation of the specific items of the syllabus are strongly suggested before the class; 5. The level of knowledge of the students is evaluated through two written tests (75%) and an individual report of the laboratory activities (25%); 6. A bonus of 10% can be awarded by the student according to the following factors: punctuality, participation in the class, evidence of readings and preparation, sharing of ideas with the Professor and colleagues, and critical evaluation of the suggested readings.