Subject: Issues and Research Methods for Sport

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


52 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - The central aim of the course is to provide the students with theoretical, practical and laboratorial competences that allow them to describe and conduct research in sport sciences. At the end of the semester, the student should be able to:
1 - Identify and define the problem, and present the hypotheses or research questions
2 - Describe the study design, the participants, the equipment, and the statistical analysis
3 - To demonstrate an ethically appropriate behaviour, including a save treatment of participants, honesty in collecting the data, and the authorship and data presentation
4 - Indicate the nature and the distinctive characteristics of research in Sport
5 - Understand the nature of causal relationships and control the threats of internal and external validity
6 - Master the procedures in IBM SPSS
7 - Dominate the terms and the writing of an article in the field of sport sciences
8 - Present a proposal (application) of a research project to a source of funding


1 - Overview of the research process
2 - The science and the ruptures
3 - The problem
4 - The method
5 - Ethical issues in scientific research
6 - Types of research in sports (historical, philosophic, surveys, observational, pre-experimental, experimental and quasi-experimental, qualitative and mixed-methods)
7 - Basic statistical techniques and use of IBM SPSS package (getting started, preparing the data file, preliminary analysis, statistical techniques to explore relationships among variables and compare groups)
8 - Writing a thesis or dissertation in Sport (completing the research process and thesis and dissertation format)


Anguera, M. T., & Hernández-Mendo, A. , 2016 , Avances en estudios observacionales en Ciencias del Deporte desde los mixed methods. , Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Anguera, M.T., Villaseñor, A.B., Losada, J.L. & Hernandez_Mendo , 2000 , La metodologia observacional en el deporte: conceptos básicos. Educación Física y Deportes , Revista Digital
Kuhn, T. , 1962 , The structure of scientific revolutions , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
Pallant. J. , 2016 , SPSS Survival manual. A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS , England: Open University Press
Thomas. J., Nelson. J., Silverman. S , 2015 , Research methods in physical activity , Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Lopes, H., Prudente, J., Vicente, A., & Fernando, C. , 2014 , Uma mudança coerente no ensino superior - a ferramenta processo pedagógico , Revista da Sociedade Científica de Pedagogia do Desporto

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
1. Theoretical, theoretical-practical and laboratory teaching;2. Slides and video-images are used to better clarify theoretical items and tracing development sequences;3. The students regular presence in the classes and an active participation in the form of individual/small groups discussion are stimulated;4. Specific items of the syllabus readings and preparation are strongly suggested before class;5. The students level of knowledge is evaluated in the 3 modules. The module 1 taught by Duarte Freitas, is 50% weight and focuses on a written test: 25%; the presentation of a proposal (application) to a source of funding: 20% and classes: 5%. The 5% associated to the participation in the classes are attributed to punctuality, participation, evidence of readings and preparation, sharing of ideas with the Professor and colleagues, and critical evaluation of the suggested readings. Modules 2 and 3 taught by Hélder Lopes and João Prudente, respectively, focus on work and weigh 25% each.