Subject: Management, Certification and Marketing

Scientific Area:

Marketing and Advertising


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

O1 - Know and operationalize concepts of market, consumption, consumer, brand and agricultural marketing;
O2 - To recognize himself as a consumer, in its dimensions of object of marketing actions and decision maker in purchase options;
O3 - Understand the STP process: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning;
O4 - Understand and know how to apply Marketing-Mix to a business offer;
O5 - Know how to develop a basic marketing plan applied to the agricultural sector;
O6 - To be able to move from theoretical knowledge to practical knowledge through an active and interactive pedagogical methodology;
O7 - Know what are the systems inherent to the modes of production and food quality, as well as the biological certification system;
O8 - Acquire knowledge to enable the development of project design capabilities, products and services in organic agriculture and rural development


1 - Policies
1.1 - The Common Agricultural Policy and the Organic Production Mode - interdependencies and constraints
1.2 - The National and Regional Strategy for Organic Farming
1.3 - The Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy - impacts on organic farming
2.0 - Marketing
2.1 - The importance of marketing and trends in digital economy
2.2 - The Marketing Strategy
2.3 - Marketing-Mix and the application of digital tools
2.4 - Marketing management in the agricultural sector
3 - Certification in MPB
3.1 - Operating Procedures Control Plans and associated communications and records
3.2 - Criteria for assessment of operators
3.3 - Non-conformity situations (Deviations, irregularities, infractions), sanctions and corrective actions
4 - Quality certification
4.1 - Valorisation of organic products
4.2 - PDO, PGI and TSG certification schemes
4.3 - Other quality valorisation systems (Açores Brand, Madeira Brand, etc...)
4.4 - Legislation (European, national and regional)
5 - Entrepreneurship and innovation


'S' Sarkar , 2007 , Empreendedorismo e Inovação , Escolar Editora
Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. , 2016 , Principles of Marketing, Global Edition, 16/E. , Pearson Education
Marques, V. , 2015 , Marketing Digital 360 , Actual
Lendrevie, J., Baynast, A., Dionísio, P. & Rodrigues, J.V. , 2018 , Mercator 25 anos: O Marketing na Era Digital, 17ª ed. , Publicações D. Quixote
Dias, R., & Afonso, J. , 2015 , Marketing Agroalimentar: Fundamentos e Estudo de Caso , Vida Económica
Kotler, P., Setiawan, I., & Kartajaya, H. , 2017 , Marketing 4.0: mudança do tradicional para o digital , Actual Editora
Martins, I. , 2017 , Agricultores Que Marcam , IFE Executive
Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho , 2022 , Regulamento (UE) 2018/848 , Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical component (15h synchronous distance): ME1: Synchronous presentation and development of syllabus contents, implementing active and collaborative learning between teacher and student; ME2: Application of theoretical and practical (15h asynchronous distance) knowledge through the analysis of real cases; ME3: Tutorial guidance. Practical activities (10h presential): ME4: Analysis and resolution of case studies; Preparation of topics for debate; Information research and reading the recommended bibliography. ME5. Development of critical capacity and autonomy. Didactic material availability as computational tools: written documents, oral and visual information. Monitor asynchronous by e-learning and browsers (B-On, ISI Web of Knowlege, Sciencedirect). Evaluation: 50% activities benchmarking questionnaires, elaboration of group work on specific topics, presentation and discussions in class on topics related to the UC, theoretical and practical tests; 50% scientific paper writing.