Subject: Project I

Scientific Area:

Produção Agrícola e Animal


80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Familiarize students to science and the way it interacts with society and the reality of the training area.
2 - Understand the differences between a master's degree and a bachelor's degree, and between a master's degree and a doctorate.
3 - Familiarize students with empirical research work in their area of specialization.
4 - Develop a basis for reflection and motivation for future dissertation work.


1 - Introduction to the project and master's thesis.
1.1 - Structure of a master's thesis.
2 - Methodologies of bibliographic review.
3 - Methodologies for preparing the introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions.
3.1 - Structure and analysis of results
3.2 - Methodology for preparing a bibliography list.
4 - Analysis and discussion of scientific articles.
5 - Analysis and discussion of master's theses.


M. Cargill, P. O'Connor, , 2009 , Writing scientific research articles.Strategy and steps , Wiley-Blackwell.
B.Gaste, R.A. Day , 2016 , How to write and publish a scientific paper. , Cambridge Univ. Press.
E.R. Girden , 2001 , Evaluating Research Articles: From Start to Finish, 2nd ed., , Sage, London.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are articulated with the pedagogical model of the study cycle, being structured in accordance with the principle of 100% of ECTS in distance learning (80h). To achieve the objectives and execute the program content, contact hours are distributed into 67 asynchronous hours (TP: 20h; S: 25h, OT: 22h), 13 synchronous hours (TP). The program is organized into modules, with the learning activities taught in an introductory theoretical component (synchronous and asynchronous classes) and the respective topics in depth, through asynchronous activities carried out in seminars and guided by active tutorials. Mix of lectures, discussion and analysis of research topics (synchronous and asynchronous). Tutorial sessions for reflection, discussion and motivation for future dissertation/project/internship work. Use of articles and master's dissertations designed to motivate thesis topics and propose work methodologies. The assessment has a continuous nature and is based on criteria for measuring the ability and commitment (20%) demonstrated by the students in applying the methodologies taught and knowledge acquired in the preparation, presentation and discussion (30%) of the Dissertation/ Project/ proposals. Individual internship (50%).