Subject: Organic Viticulture

Scientific Area:

Produção Agrícola e Animal


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The objectives of the course unit include: (i) evaluation of the importance of the production and consumption of organic wine products in the World, Europe and Portugal; (ii) identification of the limiting factors of production, in order to evaluate the potential of each region; (v) the study of genetic resources and the vegetation and fruiting habits of the main species, varieties and regional varieties; (iii) the study of the physiology and viticultural production techniques , in order to enable the student for the planning, execution and technical management of organic vineyards; (iv) the study, in particular, of viticultural production systems in the MPB; (vi) current research objectives.


1 - Production and consumption of wine products in the MPB
2 - Botanical classification, morphology and physiology of growth and development of the main wine grape varieties used and of the traditional varieties as important endogenous genetic resources in mainland Portugal, Azores and Madeira
3 - Limitations on production and suitability of viticulture to different agroecological realities
4 - Choice of cultivars, rootstocks and propagation techniques
5 - Vineyard installation and maintenance
6 - Physical, chemical and biological limitations of the soil
7 - Replanting situations
8 - Soil preparation and planting techniques
9 - Pruning, systems and vine training
10 - Main phytosanitary problems and ways of combating them and their limitation within the MPB. The role of modeling and agricultural warnings in the emergence of diseases and pests in organic viticulture
11 - Conservation of indigenous viticultural genetic resources
12 - Enology of wine and derivatives produced in MPB


Castro, R., Cruz, A., & Botelho, M. , 2015 , Manual de sistemas de condução da vinha ,
Hartmann, H. T., Kester, D. E., Davies, F. T., & Geneve, R. L. , 2011 , Hartmann and Kester?s plant propagation: principles and practices ,
Magalhães, N , 2008 , Tratado de viticultura: a videira, a vinha e o terroir ,
Willer, H., Trávnícek, J., Meier, C. & Schalatter, B. , 2020 , The world of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are in line with the pedagogical model of the study cycle as they have been structured according to the principle of 75% of ECTS in distance learning (30h), and 25% in face-to-face activities (10h). In order to achieve the objectives and implement the syllabus, the contact hours were distributed as follows: 15 asynchronous hours (PT), 15 synchronous hours (PT), 4 face-to-face hours (PT) and 6 face-to-face hours (OT). The theoretical-practical synchronous distance classes are held for the theoretical components of the syllabus, with expository methodologies using audiovisual projection media. In the applied components, asynchronous classes are held using explanatory and interrogative methodologies of the UC contents with practical exercises, encouraging discussion of the topics and group interaction. Learning is complemented by face-to-face classes which include study visits to leading wine-growing operations in the MPB. The assessment of knowledge and skills, whenever possible, will include: Questionnaires to measure activities; preparation of group work on specific topics; presentation and discussions in class on topics related to the UC programme, 2 theoretical-practical tests (60% of the final grade) and a written proposal on ?Installation and maintenance of an orchard in organic production mode? or ?conversion plan of a orchard for MPB? with oral presentation and discussion (40% of the final grade).