Subject: Rural Tourism - Products and Services

Scientific Area:

Tourism and Leisure


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Analyze the emergence of tourism products in rural and natural areas and the characteristics of demand;
2 - Understand the reality of Rural Tourism and Nature Tourism in Portugal;
3 - Analyze the problems and planning decisions faced by Rural Tourism and Nature Tourism companies;
4 - To know the legal requirements for tourism enterprises in rural and natural areas;
5 - Develop skills that can be capitalized by low-density territories, to stimulate their competitiveness, as well as promote national territorial cohesion;


1 - New societies and new tourism;
2 - The concrete logics that support the emergence of tourism in low-density territories;
3 - A new rural world;
4 - A new tourism;
5 - New concepts and new development models;
6 - Tourism in rural and natural areas;
7 - Origin and motivations of demand;
8 - Types of Rural Tourism (TER) and Nature Tourism (TN) in Portugal;
9 - TER and TN in the context of international tourism;
10 - Evolution of TER and TN in Portugal;
11 - Tourism in rural and natural areas as a factor for local development;
12 - Potentialities of rural and nature tourism;
13 - Constraints and paradoxes of rural and nature tourism;
14 - Sustainable tourism development;
15 - Tural tourism in figures;
16 - Low-density territories;


Lane, B., & Kastenholf, E. , 2019 , Rural tourism: New concepts, new research, new practice. ,
Sanchez, F. C. , 2019 , Turismo rural e seus reflexos nos indicadores de sustentabilidade ,
Santos, X., & Lopez, L. , 2018 , Turismo rural y de la naturaleza. Una mirada al mundo ,
Silva, F., & Umbelino, J. , 2017 , Planeamento e Desenvolvimento Turístico. ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are articulated with the pedagogical model of the study cycle as they were structured accordingly, with the principle of 75% of ECTS in distance learning (30h), and 25% in face-to-face activities (10h). To achieve the objectives and execute the program contents, contact hours are distributed into 20 asynchronous hours (TP), and 20 synchronous hours (TP). Teaching and learning methodologies include a period of synchronous work with students to frame the program contents, and autonomous asynchronous activities, which include research, critical reflection, and study by students, with the completion of work on the program topics, forums discussion, moderated by teachers. The face-to-face activities will be carried out under the coordination of the conductor, supported by common scripts and protocols, and will involve visiting case studies and applying the knowledge acquired.