Subject: Animal Health and Welfare

Scientific Area:

Agriculture, Silviculture and Phishing


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Assess basis of organic husbandry (animal behavior and selection of breeds) and understanding biological and ethics of animal welfare and assess animal welfare at farm level. Evaluate the principles (theoretical and practical) in organic livestock production and degree of disease resistance; Analyze the principles of health and animal welfare (disease prevention and control strategies for certain infectious and parasitic diseases), management practices, including the use of conventional medicine and complementary therapies versus strategies.


1 - Animal welfare
2 - Science and legislation
3 - Behavioral and physiological indicators of welfare
4 - Welfare assessment, the Five Freedoms
5 - Community and national law applied in health and animal welfare on farms and in animal transport
6 - Hygiene: Concepts basic of cleaning and disinfection of animals and installations
7 - Principles of health management
8 - Major animal diseases, etiology, transmission and prevention
9 - Prophylaxis sanitary and medical
10 - Major parasites: main diagnostic techniques and grazing management
11 - Biological control measure of parasitosis
12 - Hygienic issues in providing water to impact on animal health
13 - Veterinary care and therapeutic measures: Biological control
14 - Phytotherapeutic and homeopathic products.
15 - Alternative or complementary therapies
16 - Use of allopathic therapy and conventional


Beaver, B., & Höglund, D. , 2015 , Efficient Livestock Handling , Academic Press
Blanco Penedo, I., Celina., A. M., Cerqueira, J. L., & Araújo, J.P. , 2015 , Métodos generales de observación para distintas especies , Ed. Xunta de Galicia, Consellería do Medio Rural e do Mar. Santiago de Compostela
Cerqueira, J. L., & Araujo, J. P. , 2019 , Uso eficiente da água na produção animal , Edição Índice ICT & Management, Leiria
Taylor, M. A., Coop, R. L., & Wall, R. L. , 2015 , Veterinary Parasitology , 4th Edition, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are articulated with the pedagogical model of the study cycle as they were structured accordingly, with the principle of 75% of ECTS in distance learning (30h), and 25% in face-to-face activities (10h). To achieve the objectives and execute the program contents, contact hours are distributed into 16 asynchronous hours (TP), 14 synchronous hours (TP), 4 face-to-face hours (S) and 6 face-to-face hours (TC). Learning is complemented by practical face-to-face classes. The assessment of knowledge and skills will include a component of continuous assessment of student performance and measurement of learning related to the contents of the UC program (30% of the final grade) and another summative component, which will consist of theoretical-practical tests (40% of the final grade) to evaluate the subject contents, and the holding of a seminar with a theme to be selected by the students (30% of the final grade).