Subject: Organic Horticulture

Scientific Area:

Produção Agrícola e Animal


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Assess the importance of the production and consumption of organic vegetables in Portugal, Europe and the World; identify the limiting factors of production, in order to assess the potential of each region; understand the physiology and techniques of organic production of the main horticultural crops and aromatic and medicinal plants (AMP), outdoors and in greenhouses; evaluate the current research objectives.
2 - Skills to be developed: participation in the planning, execution and technical management of companies producing and marketing organic horticultural crops and AMP, namely in the following areas: species and cultivar selection, plant propagation, crop rotation and installation planning, systems of protected crops and environmental conditioning, equipment and materials, crop practices, fertilization, phytosanitary protection, weed control, irrigation, harvest and post-harvest.


1 - Production and consumption of organic vegetables
2 - Botanical classification; morphology and physiology of growth and development of the main crops. Traditional cultivars and their importance
3 - Plant production in nursery and vegetative propagation
4 - Outdoor and greenhouse production systems
5 - Crop rotation of crop and associations
6 - Crop installation
7 - Organic and mineral fertilization and phytosanitary protection
8 - Weed control
9 - Irrigation systems management
10 - Harvest, post-harvest and traceability


Almeida, D. , 2006 , Manual de Culturas Hortícolas , Editorial Presença
Cunha, P., Roque, O. & Gapar, N. , 2013 , Cultura e Utilização das Plantas Medicinais e Aromáticas , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Mourão, I. M. , 2013 , Horticultura Social e Terapêutica , Publindústria
Münch, R., Pöhl, A., Terreaux, G., & Torchalla, J. , 2019 , Surprises in store - Fruit Logistica trend report 2019 , Oliver Wyman
Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho , 2022 , Regulamento (CE) N.º 2018/848 , Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho
Willer, H., Trávnícek, J., Meier, C. & Schalatter, B. , 2020 , The world of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2020 , FiBL and IFOAM

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In theoretical-practical classes, take place i) theoretical (18h synchronous distance) components of the syllabus, with explanatory methodologies using audiovisual projection means; ii) practical (16h asynchronous distance) components with interrogative methodologies, solving exercises (watering) and discussing practical examples, within the syllabus scope, motivating debate and group interaction. Practical classes (6h presential), take place simultaneously in three HEIs (UMa, UAç, UniCV), including field classes for demonstrating, training horticultural techniques and study visits to relevant companies in the context of organic horticultural production. Complementary asynchronous communication for monitoring, through e-learning platform and browsers (B-On, ISI Web of knowledge and Sciencedirect), relevant websites and documents in digital format, Moodle and e-mail. Evaluation: 20% continuous evaluation, 40% theoretical and practical test, 20% written work, 20% presentation/discussion