Subject: Organic Livestock

Scientific Area:

Produção Agrícola e Animal


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Evaluate the production, trends in consumption, marketing and distribution of organic animal products and main producing regions in the world.
2 - Identify the limiting factors of production in order to evaluate the potential of each region.
3 - Study the principles associated with the exploitation systems and production techniques of organic livestock, specific to each species, as well as some productive characteristics, with special attention to the areas of reproduction, feeding, and planning of livestock farms.
4 - Develop the interrelationships between different animal production systems and the environment in which they are inserted, seeking to emphasize the main techniques and methods available for environmental protection.
5 - Evaluate the importance of pasture and forage in the conservation of the environment.


1 - Socio-economic, food and environmental importance of organic animal production in the world.
2 - Organic Livestock: concept; applicable legislation; animal species. Main native breeds: importance and potentialities.
3 - Conversion from conventional livestock to organic production (land conversion of animals and animal products, or simultaneous conversion). Key aspects for planning and organic management
4 - Feeding: Classification of foods and feeding of animals.
5 - Production systems based on pasture, roughage, fresh and preserved forages; Approach to pasture and forage management, grazing systems, animal loads.
6 - Animal housing conditions (free range and stabling areas).
7 - Reproductive techniques and resources adopted; minimum ages for slaughter of animals and conditions of transport and slaughter of animals.


Mourão, I. M., Araújo, J. P., & Brito, L. M., , 2006 , Manual de Agricultura Biológica - Terras de Bouro. , Câmara Municipal de Terras de Bouro.
Diário da República, 1ª Série, Nº 24 , 2022 , Portaria nº 79/2022 de 3 de fevereiro. Defne o regime aplicável à gestão de efuentes pecuários ,
União Europeia , 2018 , Regulamento (UE) 2018/848 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 30 de maio de 2018, relativo à produção biológica e à rotulagem dos produtos biológicos e que revoga o Regulamento (CE) n.º 834/2007 do Conselho ,
Sites recomendados , FAO, IFOAM, DEFRA, ISOFAR, ICROFS, FiBL, EEA. ,
Vaarst, M., Roderick, S., Lund, V., & Lockeretz, W., , 2004 , Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are articulated with the pedagogical model of the study cycle as they were structured accordingly, with the principle of 75% of ECTS in distance learning (30h), and 25% in face-to-face activities (10h). To achieve the objectives and execute the program contents, contact hours are distributed into 16 asynchronous hours (TP), 16 synchronous hours (TP), 8 face-to-face hours (S). Teaching and learning methodologies include a period of synchronous work with students to frame the program contents, and autonomous asynchronous activities, which include research, critical reflection and study by students, with the completion of work on the program topics, forums discussion, moderated by teachers. The face-to-face activities will be carried out under the coordination of the conductor, supported by common scripts and protocols, and will involve visiting case studies and applying the knowledge acquired.