Subject: Water Resources Management

Scientific Area:

Agriculture, Silviculture and Phishing


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The course aims to integrate the general knowledge of hydrology and the technologies applicable to the capture and use of water resources with the agronomic aspect. The ultimate goal is to enhance the integrated management of water resources, with particular emphasis on island regions. The course the following specific goals: Know the main uses and needs of water and its socio-economic impact and the sectoral planning instruments applicable to the management of water resources; Mastering the main water resource management strategies and their relationship with agronomic use, including some of the main modeling tools used; Acquire an integrated knowledge of the problem of water resource management in island regions, including the use of alternative sources of water, such as the use of precipitation and small works to capture and store surface runoff.


1 - Introduction: the management of water resources in the context of the environmental policies and the promotion of sustainable development
2 - The hydrological bases of water resources management, extreme events, payback periods and their relationship with water resources management
3 - Evapotranspiration and water-production relationships
4 - Surface and groundwater; availability and characteristics
5 - Uses of water and its requirements; water savings, quality and quantity
6 - Territory management instruments, sectoral water planning and the relationship between water resources management and land use
7 - The technologies for capturing, adding, storing and distributing water for irrigation; study of technologies applicable to island regions
8 - Interaction between land use and water regime; water and soil conservation techniques
9 - Irrigation water management based on cultural evapotranspiration; soil moisture content; soil water potential; leaf water potential and leaf temperature


Doorenbos, J., & Kassam, A. H. , 1979 , Yield response to water ,
Doorenbos, J., & Pruitt, W. O. , 1977 , Crop water requirements ,
Fontes, J. C. , 1994 , Utilização da temperatura do copado na condução da rega. ,
Graffon, R. Q., & Hussey K. , 2011 , Water Resources Planning and Management ,
Lenton, R., & Muller M. , 2009 , Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice: Better Water Management for Development. ,
Pereira, L. S. , 2004 , Necessidades de água e métodos de rega ,
Schiebelbein, L. M. (org.) , 2018 , Gestão de recursos hídricos e sustentabilidade. ,
Maidment, D. R. , Handbook of Hydrology ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching and learning methodologies are in line with the pedagogical model of the study cycle as they have been structured according to the principle of 75% of ECTS in distance learning (30h), and 25% in face-to-face activities (10h). In order to achieve the objectives and carry out the syllabus, the contact hours are divided into 16 asynchronous hours (TP), 14 synchronous hours (TP), 4 face-to-face hours (S) and 6 face-to-face hours (TC). In synchronous classes, the aim is to simulate a classroom environment, interacting in real time to debate issues relevant to the course objectives. In asynchronous classes, students carry out tasks on their own or watch a recorded lesson, choosing the best time to study. Face-to-face classes are aimed at analyzing and discussing conceptual issues and real cases, as well as the application of strategies and knowledge, and are complemented by individual and group work and the presentation of the results of this work.