Subject: Module III.I.

Scientific Area:

Medical Sciences


40 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

At the end of the semester, students must be able to demonstrate to be sensitized to the importance of the following aspects in the various contexts of professional practice (hospital, health center, and the community):

The human person in his or her individuality, resilience and vulnerability, in health and in disease.

Multicultural perspective to recognize, understand and respect the difference in society.

Future doctor's competence, particularly with regard to communication, respect, ethics and scientific culture.

Performance of future physician, clinician, educator, and while progress agent in society.

Responsibility of the future doctor, recognizing the impact of its intervention in a person an in its context.


The contents were defined in order to achieve the objectives and are organized around four major thematic areasalways considering a perspective of global responsibility:

1. Basic Principles of the medical profession based on three fundamental dimensions: being a person, being a doctor and being a sick person, which will be treated in a multidisciplinary framework of philosophical, sociological, anthropological, psychological, political, ecological and economic character.

2. Fundamentals of medical intervention on three fundamental aspects: knowledge, know-how and how to behave, in the main areas of clinical intervention-prevention, care, cure and alleviate, as well as referencing the various functions of the doctor, today and tomorrow, while clinician (primary, secondary, tertiary care), educator, researcher and Manager. The medical act in an individual context and lifelong group.

3. Medical Responsibility in clinical intervention and citizenship, in its interface with justice, education and environment.

4. Personal and professional development throughout their lives.


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Assesssment methods and criteria: