Subject: Psychopathology I

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - This curricular unit has as general objective to provide a training in Psychopathology that constitutes a useful reference for the understanding of the behaviour and intervention of the psychologist. It is intended that at the end of this curricular unit students will be able to:
1 - Understand psychopathology as a process that is based on research evidence and well-structured theoretical models;
2 - To kno w the main paradigms of psychopathology;
3 - Understand psychopathology in a developmental perspective.
4 - Know the main mental health classification systems;
5 - Master and use the technical language related to the concepts associated with Psychopathology;
6 - Identify and differentiate the semiological features of the main mental disorders;
7 - Identify and understand cases that require psychological intervention.


1 - Definition of psychopathology. Psychopathology as a comprehensive process.
2 - Normality and pathology
2.1 - The historical evolution of the concept of mental illness
2.2 - The criteria that define the boundary between normal and pathological
2.3 - Mental health in Portugal
3 - Theoretical and diagnostic methods and models in psychopathology
4 - Psychopathological semiology: the main semiologic constructs and t he mental examination
5 - Classification and diagnosis systems in psychopathology
6 - Main nosological entities: characterization and reflection on clinical cases in the light of DSM 5:
6.1 - Neurodevelopmental disorders
6.2 - Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
6.3 - Bipolar disorders and depression
6.4 - Anxiety disorders
6.5 - Obsessive-Compulsive disorders


Alves, F. , 2010 , A Doença Mental nem Sempre é Doença , Edições Afrontamento
APA , 2013 , DSM-V Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Washington: Autor
Barlow, D. , 2014 , Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders , NY: Guilford Press
Castonguay, L., Oltmanns, T.(eds.) , 2013 , Psychopathology: From Science to Clinical Practice , NY: Guilford Press
Correia, D. , 2014 , Manual de Psicopatologia: De Acordo com o DSM-5 , Lisboa: Lidel
Kring, A. & Johnson, S. , 2014 , Abnormal psychology , New York: Wiley
Lewis, M. & Rudolph, K. (eds.) , 2014 , Handbook of developmental psychopathology , New York: Springer
Maddux, J.&Winstead, B. , 2012 , Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding , New York: Routledge
Oltmanns, T. Martin, M., Neale, J.&Davison, G. , 2012 , Case studies in abnormal psychology , Hoboken:Wiley
Scheid, T. & Brown, T. , 2010 , A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Social Contexts, Theories, and Sys tems. (2nd ed.) , Cambridge: Cambridge

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In this curricular unit will be used various teaching methodologies. In the theoretical classes will be used an expository methodology, to transmit the contents to be apprehended in a more systematized and organized way, facilitating their understanding and acquisition by the students. Reflection will also be stimulated through interrogative methodology. In the practical classes will be used a methodology that appeals to a more active participation of the students, such a s the viewing of films/documentaries/videos and their group discussion, analysis of intervention cases and small group work in the classroom . Evaluation methods: test (50% ) and 1 practical work (50%).