Subject: Psychopathology II

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - This course unit has as general objective to provide a training in Psychopathology that constitutes a useful reference for the understanding of the behaviour and intervention of the psychologist, giving continuity to the course started in the course unit Psychopathology I. It is intended that at the end of this curricular unit students are able to:
1 - Understand psychopathology as a process that is based on research evidence and well-structured theoretical models;
2 - Know the main mental health classification systems;
3 - To master and use the technical language related to t he concepts associated with Psychopathology;
4 - Identify and differentiate the main signs and symptoms of the main nosographic pictures;
5 - Identify and understand cases that require psychological intervention.


1 - The concepts of comorbidity and transdiagnosis and their practical implications.
2 - Main nosological entities: characterization and reflection on clinical cases in the light of DSM 5:
2.1 - Trauma and stress related disorders
2.2 - Somatoform disorders
2.3 - Eating disorders
2.4 - Disorders of sexual behaviour and gender identity
2.5 - Personality Disorders
2.6 - Disruptive and impulse control disorders
2.7 - Addition and Substance Abuse Disorders
2.8 - Neurocognitive disorders


Associação Psiquiátrica Americana , 2013 , DSM-V Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Washington: Autor
Barlow , D. , 2014 , Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders , New York: Guilford Press
Castonguay, L., Oltmanns, T. (Eds.) , 2013 , Psychopathology: From Science to Clinical Practice , New York:Guilford Press
Correia, D. , 2014 , Manual de Psicopatologia: De Acordo com o DSM-5 , Lisboa: Lidel
Kring, A. & Johnson, S. , 2014 , Abnormal psychology , New York: Wiley
Lewis, M. & Rudolph, K. (Eds.) , 2014 , Handbook of developmental psyc hopathology , New York: Springer
Oltmanns, T. Martin, M., Neale, J.&Davison, G. , 2012 , Case studies in abnormal psychology , Hoboken:Wiley

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In this curricular unit will be used various teaching methodologies. In the theoretical classes will be recourse to an expository methodology, to transmit the contents to be apprehended in a more systematized and organized way, facilitating their understanding and acquisition by the students. The reflection will also be stimulated through a more interrogative methodology. In the practical classes will be used a methodology that appeals to a more active participation of the students, such as the viewing of films/documentaries/videos and their group discussion, analysis of intervention cases and small group work in the classroom . Evaluation methods: test (50% ) and 1 practical work (50%).