Subject: Cognition and Emotional Psychology

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Explain the relevancy of the several dimensions of cognitive psychology in human development: thinking and cognition, information-processing and the mind theory.
2 - Become knowledgeable regarding the main theories about cognition and emotion.
3 - Identify the roles of emotions.
4 - Explain the role of emotions in cognitive, social and motivational processes.
5 - Describe and understand the different areas of application of emotions in the study of behaviour.
6 - Thinking critically about the explanatory role of emotions for the understanding of the human behaviour.


0 - Module I: Co gnitive Psychology.
1 - Thought and Cognition.
1.1 - Deductive and inductive reasoning.
1.2 - Counterfactual thinking.
1.3 - Cloze analysis.
1.4 - Cognition, information processing and theory of mind.
2 - Module II: Emotional Psychology.
2.1 - What is Emotion.
2.1.1 - Definition and distinction from other concepts: sentiment, humor, affection.
2.1.2 - Basic vs. secondary emotions.
2.1.3 - Neurophysiological basis.
2.1.4 - Components of the emotional process.
2.2 - Main theories of emotions.
2.3 - Practical applications of th e psychology of emotions.
2.3.1 - Emotional Competence vs. Emotional intelligence.
2.3.2 - Emotions in the clinical setting, work and education.


Caldeira, P. & Ferreira, A. , 2007 , Psicologia Cognitiva: Um Laboratório Simples , Lisboa: Climepsi Editores
Charlton, B. & McClelland, H. , 1999 , Theory of mind and the delusional disorders ,
Gazzaniga, M. , Heathe rton, T., & Halpern, D. , 2018 , Ciência Psicológica , Porto Alegre: Artmed
Ben-Ze'ev, A. , 2000 , The subtlety of emotions , Cambridge: Bradford
Franco, M. G. , 2007 , A gestão das emoções na sala de aula , Lisboa: FCG/ FCT
LeDoux, J. , 2000 , O cérebro emocional: As misteriosas estruturas da vida emocional , Cascais: Pergaminho
Lewis, M., & Haviland- Jones, J. , 2000 , Handbook of emotions , New York: The Guilford Press
Sternberg, R. , 2010 , Psicologia Cognitiva (5. ªed.) , Cengage Learning Norte-Americana
Sternberg. R. & Sternberg, K. , 2012 , Cognitive Psychology , Belmont: Wadsworth

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In the curricular unit of Psychology of cognition an d emotion it will used expository methodologies and expository/interrogative and some active methodologies. Assessment: a test (50%), where the ability to integrate content, conceptual rigor and critical reflection will be evaluated. One practical work (30%), to operationalize different perspectives on a topic. In addition to making a presentation to the class (20%), students should be able, with supervision, to prepare a poster about the subject studied. To accomplish the tests there is a minimum of 75% of attendance.