Subject: Psychology of Learning

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To know the basic processes of behavior and knowledge acquisition.
2 - To identify the different types of learning.
3 - To know the main explanatory models of learning process.
4 - To know different cognitive processes related to learning.
5 - To compare different models and processes involved in learning.
6 - To understand and to explain the applicability of learning process es in different contexts of life.
7 - To promote research skills, written production and oral communication, and the development of critical thinking.
8 - To develop teamwork and personal autonomy.


1 - Introduction to Psychology of Learning.
1.1 - Definition and beliefs about learning.
1.2 - Psychology of Learning and the teaching-learning process.
2 - Explanatory behavioural models of learning.
2.1 - Classical conditioning.
2.2 - Operant conditioning.
2.3 - Social Learning.
3 - Explanatory cognitive models of learning.
3.1 - Gestalt system.
3.2 - Information processing.
3.3 - Psychogenetic theory.
3.4 - Socioconstructivism.
3.5 - Meaningful learning.
3.6 - Learning by discovery.
4 - Learning and applications/implications in different life contexts.


Chaplowe, S. G., & Cousins, J. B. , 2016 , Monitoring and evaluation training: A systematic approach , Los Angeles: SAGE
Alexander, P. A. , 2005 , Psychology in learning and instruction , Upper Saddle River, N J: Prentice Hall
Lefrançois, G. , 2011 , Theories of human learning: What the professor said , Belmont: Cengage
Machado, A., & Silva, F. J. , 2004 , The psychology of learning: A student workbook , Upper Sadd le River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Schunk, D. H. , 2011 , Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective , Boston: Pearson
Miller, L. J. , Creating a common terminology for play behavior to increase cross-disciplinary research ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In theoretical classes the expository method and t he interrogative method are used for the exposition and explanation of topics in order to facilitate the explicitation and the acquisition of contents. In theoretical-practical classes are used a variety of working methods, where, in addition to the expository method, emphasis is placed on interrogative, demonstrative and active methods, promoting the acquisition and the interaction of knowledge through individual or group work. Evaluation Methodology: Individual test (with a weighting of 50% in the final classification); and group written wors (weighting 40% in the final classification) and oral presentation (weighting 10% in the final classification). In order to calculate the final classification, the student can not have a grade lower than 9,5 values (on a scale of 0 to 20 values) in each of the evaluation elements. To aprove the CU student must have a minimum of 75% attendance.