Subject: Applied English C2.2 - Science/Technology

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The unit is designed to help the students develop further their knowledge, skills and competences in the English language to a high level of sophistication. Focusing specifically on the areas of Science and Technology, the unit helps the students to reach a solid C2.2 level by the end of the semester.
2 - Entirely taught in English, the unit supports the development of all key language skills: listening and wr comprehension, writing, speaking and interactional skills. This is achieved through a range of language specific and subject specific activities, giving the students a chance to familiarise themselves with linguistic and discursive features of specialised texts in the area of Science and Technology.


1 - COMMUNICATING IN SCIENCE: scientific/technical writing (discursive practices in business, industry and government); modes of discourse; tone (advocacy and objectivity); Genres and styles: brochures, manuals, catalogues; research journals; project proposals and reports, etc.;
2 - WRITING AND REVISING: Academic writing; Revising and editing: structure; cohesion; coherence; Research and referencing; Data presentation: visuals, numbers and figures, abbreviations and symbols;
3 - MULTIMEDIA LITERACY: Modes of communication; computer mediated communication (CMC);
4 - ENGLISH GRAMMAR: revision, consolidation, expansion and contextualisation of previously acquired grammatical principles.


.Griffiths, P , 2007 , Scientific Writing , Garnet Education
Seely, J , 2005 , Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking , Oxford University Press
Hale, A. and H. Basides , 2023 , Keys to Academic English , Cambridge University Press

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Methodologically, the unit is delivered in two parts: first, there is an intensive theoretical introduction, during which the students are able to familiarise themselves with key concepts in English for Science and Technology. This part also includes a range of language specific and subject specific activities, allowing the students to internalise new skills and competences. The teaching mode then changes to a more individualised 'tutorials', during which the students work on their group assignments (a small-scale research project on a chosen topic). Each week has a specific focus: e.g. choosing the topic, methodological approaches, time management plan, etc. There are two parts of the assessment: project proposal (20%), project report (40%) and presentation (40%) - Evaluation Type A.