Subject: Applied English C2.1 - Business/Law

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The unit is designed to help the students develop further their knowledge, skills and competences in the English language, focusing specifically on the areas of Business and Law. The students are expected to reach a solid C2.1 level by the end of the semester.
2 - Entirely taught in English, the unit supports the development of all key language skills: listening and reading comprehension, writing, speaking and interactional skills. This is achieved through a range of language specific and subject specific activities, giving the students a chance to familiarise themselves with linguistic and discursive features of specialised texts in the area of Business and Law.


1 - Business English: 1.1. The Human Dimension 1.2. Quality 1.3. Competitive Strategy 1.4. Marketing 1.5. IT and its Uses 1.6. Company Finance 1.7. Corporate Responsibility 1.8. The Global Economy
2 - Legal English: 2.1. The Legal System 2.2. Legal Professionals 2.3. Legal Professionals in Practice 2.4. Law in Practice 2.5. Liability 2.6. Contract 2.7. Intellectual Property 2.8. Information Technology Law 2.9. Environmental Law
3 - English Grammar 3.1. Scientific/technical writing; modes of discourse; tone (advocacy and objectivity) 3.2. Writing and revising: mechanics, verbs (forms and tenses), modals, phrasal verbs; sentence structure and discourse markers; reported speech, passive voice, inversion and emphasis, etc.


Mascull, Bill , 2017 , Business Vocabulary in Use: Advanced , Cambridge University Press
Brown, Gillian D. and Sally Rice , 2007 , Professional English in Use: Law , Cambridge University Press
Bernstein, Amy (editor) , Harvard Business Review , Harvard Business Publishing

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Methodologically, the unit is delivered in two parts: first, there is an intensive theoretical introduction, during which the students are able to familiarise themselves with key concepts in English for Business and Law. This part also includes a range of language specific and subject specific activities, allowing the students to internalise new skills and competences. The teaching mode then changes to a more individualised 'tutorials', during which the students work on their group assignments (a small-scale research project on a chosen topic). Each week has a specific focus: e.g. choosing the topic, methodological approaches, time management plan, etc. There are two parts of the assessment: project proposal and presentation, each worth 50% (Evaluation Type A).

