Subject: Stategic Management

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1. - Understanding of the basic principles of the strategic management of the firm.
1.1. - Strategic overview of the firm and its business environment.
1.2. - Study of the models, tools and techniques used in the problem-solving activities of the firm.


1. - Introduction
1.1. - Strategy content
1.2 - Strategy process
2. - Strategic analysis
2.1. - Business environment
2.2. - Firm
3. - Strategic choice
3.1. - Determinants
3.2. - Strategic options
3.3. - Strategic evaluation and selection
4. - Strategic implementation
4.1. - Organizational structure and design
4.2. - Strategic change management
5. - Future trends
5.1. - Strategic Management: fragmentation or integration
5.2. - The relational view of strategy


C. Hill,G. Jones , 2008 , Essentials of Strategic Management , Cengage Learning
G. Johnson, K. Scholes, R. Whittington , 2008 , Exploring corporate strategy , Prentice Hall

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theorizing the relevant concepts and topics (using handouts) and application of theory. Assessments: 8 practical works (50%) and 1 project (50%).