Subject: English B2.1

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - By the end of the first semester students are expected to have developed language competencies, such as: 1. Talk to and ask strangers questions in order to hold a conversation, interact and build relationships
2 - 2. Reminisce about past experiences
3 - 3. Describe lifestyles, people?s appearance, memories and plans
4 - 4. Explain processes/ feelings
5 - 5. Enunciate requirements
6 - 6. Check information and react to feedback
7 - 7. Express opinions, agreement/disagreement, reactions
8 - 8. Make speculations
9 - 9. Compare and contrast pictures and photographs
10 - 10. Write a formal letter of application/ complaint.
11 - 11. Become aware of British English and American English varieties.


1 - I - English Language Speaking, Listening and Writing, Punctuation and Capitalisation, Spelling (commonly misspelt words), Pronunciation and Stress, British English vs. American English
2 - II - Vocabulary and Reading
2.1 - 1. Connection and communication: Lifestyles; friends; strangers; family ties; experiences; resolving conflicts; describing a personal experience; past tenses; conditionals; verbs + noun collocations; phrasal verbs
2.2 - 2. Work environments: work and ?after work? activities; verb phrases about work; problems at work; explaining a problem and asking for action; letters of application; recommendations; business plans; complaints; describing possessions; job skills and requirements; following rules; modal verbs; defining relative clauses. passive voice; -ed and -ing adjectives; future forms
2.3 - 3. Old or New: time expressions; narrating childhood; mistakes in the past; feedback; develop an argument; conditionals; connectors; degrees of adjectives.
3 - III - English Grammar: Parts of Speech; Articles: definite article (the); indefinite article (a/an) and zero article; Nouns: irregular plurals; countable/uncountable; Possessive Case; Adjectives and Adverbs; Question Tags; Verb Classes/Leading Forms; Auxiliary Verbs (do/have/be; Modals: Present/Future modals of possibility; Expressing obligation; Expressing ability; Phrasal Verbs; Irregular Verbs (B2.1 List); Verb Tenses and Uses: - Future Tenses - Narrative Tenses: Past simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous; Emphasis; Conditionals; In case; Used to/Get used to/Would; Any/Every/No/Some; Connectors


Murphy, R. , 2012 , English Grammar in Use , Cambridge U.P.
Sinclair, John , 1991 , Collins Cobuild English Grammar, and Student?s Grammar (Self-Study Edition) , Collins
Thomson, A. J. et al. , A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students , Oxford U.P.
Carter, R. & M. McCarthy , 2006 , Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide - Spoken and Written English Grammar and Usage , CUP,
Harmer, J. & R. Rossner , 1991 , More than Words: Vocabulary for Intermediate to Advanced Students , Longman,
J. Bygrave , 2020 , Roadmap B2, Students? Book , Pearson
J. Bygrave , 2020 , Roadmap B2, Workbook , Pearson
J. Fowler , 1993 , Phrasal Verb Organiser , Thomson Heinle & Heinle LTP ELT
R. Quirk , S. Greenbaum , 2016 , A University Grammar of English , Pearson

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Evaluation Methodology: Classes are of the expositive, theoretical-practical type. The syllabus material is taught through initial lecturer presentation and ongoing interaction amongst students themselves, through pair and group work, as well as class discussions. During lessons students will develop their oral and written production in English, both through individual and peer work. Students are asked (1) to use the Workbook, which will help them consolidate what has been studied in class; and (2) to undertake a systematic study of the structures learnt by doing the exercises recommended in the suggested Grammars. There will also be a focus on the development of oral skills, through reading aloud and communicating exclusively in English. Assessment: Type A was chosen from the Ass. Regulation of Madeira Univ. Hence, students are assessed during the semester according to possible variants in Assessment A, chosen by the lecturing staff member.