Subject: Mythology and Tradition

Scientific Area:

Scientific, Cultural, Social and Ethical Formation


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - 1. To identify the main concepts related to the study of mythology and tradition;
2 - To understand the methodologies and the main interpretive theories;
3 - To understand the myths about the creation of the universe;
4 - To be able to analyse and to interpret the myths about Greek and Roman gods and goddesses;
5 - To know and to understand the heoic cycles in classical mythology;
6 - To be able to identify some elements of the classical tradition in contemporary times.


1 - Introduction to the study of mythology and tradition: conceptual definitions, methodologies and interpretative theories;
2 - Myths about the creation of the universe.
3 - Gods and goddesses:
3.1 - Birth and main features;
3.2 - Main divine strains;
3.3 - The religious cults;
4 - The heroic cycles;
4.1 - Heroic strains;
4.2 - Ethos and praxis;
4.3 - Destiny, overcoming and transgression;
4.4 - Onthological and psychological ambiguity;
5 - Tradition:
5.1 - Classical myth and tradition in contemporary times;
5.2 - Recreation and rewriting processes.


Cristina Santos Pinheiro , 2010 , O Percurso de Dido, rainha de Cartago, na Literatura Latina , Centro de Estudos Clássicos & Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos
J. Pinheiro , 2012 , Alguns traços do herói no poema Posthomerica, de Quinto de Esmirna , Mitos e Heróis: A Expressão do Imaginário (Braga)
J. Pinheiro , 2015 , O retrato de Clitemnestra na Literatura Grega , Edições Húmus
J. Pinheiro , 2015 , Gonçalo M. Tavares e os Clássicos em Os velhos também querem viver , Et al.
J. Pinheiro , 2016 , A épica mitológica de Quinto de Esmirna: continuidade, transformação e reescrita , Humanitas 68
Cristina Santos Pinheiro , 2015 , Maternidades malditas: a mãe filicida nas Metamorfoses de Ovídio , Húmus
BRUNEL, Pierre (Dir). , 1994 , Mythes et Littérature , Presses de l?Université de Paris-Sorbonne
BUFFIÈRE, F. , 1973 , Les Mythes d' Homère et la Pensée Grecque , Les Belles Lettres
BURKERT, W. , 1986 , Mito e Mitologia , Coimbra-Faculdade de Letras
CALAME, C. , 1996 , Mythe et Histoire dans l?Antiquité Grecque , Editions Payot
ELVIRA, A. Ruiz de , 1995 , Mitología Clásica , Gredos
FABRE-SERRIS, J. , 1998 , Mythologie et Littérature à Rome. La Réécriture des myhtes aux 1ers siècles avant et après J.-C. , Payot
GRIMAL, P. , 2009 , Dicionário de Mitologia Clássica , Difel
JABOUILLE, V. , 1994 , Iniciação à Ciência dos Mitos , Europa-América
MOOG-GRÜNEWALD, M. (ed.) , 2010 , The Reception of Myth and Mythology , Brill
BLUNDELL, S. & WILLIAMSON, M. (edd.) , 1998 , The sacred and the feminine in ancient Greece , Routledge
Web ressources , Recursos electrónicos a indicar. ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theorical classes: exhibition and discussion of the syllabus; Practical classes: oral presentations, using support material (anthology of texts and images) employing mainly the analytical method. Evaluation methods: Written tests (2*45%): as a written test allows assessing the knowledge and comprehension of the syllabus. Aditionally it allows assessing the written expression, and the competencies to describe, summarize and relate different concepts of the syllabus. Paper (10%): in order to evaluate the autonomous work developed by the students, they will be asked to write a paper based on their own research ans readings.