Subject: Practices in Cultural Studies
Scientific Area:
Culture Studies
64 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - 1. To sharpen the skills of individual expression and communication, oriented to an organizational practice for research work, construction and writing of academic projects
2 - 2. To develop skills of relatedness between acquired knowledge and its adequacy in new contexts of research work;
3 - 3. To enhance critical thinking by conducting an internship report.
1. - 1. The construction of an internship plan
1.1. - 2. Structuring the cultural action plan
1.2. - Elaboration of abstract and keywords
2. - 2. The completion of the disciplinary internship
2.1 - 2.1. Tutoring sessions at internship sites
2.2. - 2.2. Follow-up of the sessions
3. - 3. Organization of the internship report
3.1. - 3.1. Structure and writing of an internship report
3.2. - 3.2. Oral defense of the internship plan and report
CEIA, Carlos , 2006 , Normas para a Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos , Editorial Presença
CLANCHY, John; BALLARD, Brigit , 2000 , Como escrever ensaios , Lisboa: Temas e Debates
Carlos Ceia , 2000 , Normas para a Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos. , Presença
Márcia Duarte e José Manuel Pereira , 2005 , Técnicas de comunicação escrita. Princípios orientadores para a elaboração de relatórios de estágio. , Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
A. Bell , 2004 , Como realizar um projecto de investigação , Gradiva
João Fraga , 2005 , Novo Guia prático para pesquisa. Elaboração de trabalhos científicos e organização de Currículos , Sete Caminhos
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical-practical classes; analysis of scientific articles; Analysis of models of internship projects; Debates; Tutorials. Assessment: Internship plan (40%); internship report (40%); oral defense of the internship plan and report.