Subject: Afro-Brazilian Studies

Scientific Area:

Culture Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Foster the study of topical relations between literatures and cultures.
2 - Provide knowledge with aspects to cultural, historical, social and artistic points of view regarding Brazilian and Portuguese-speaking African countries expressions in literature.
3 - Develop critical reflection about the search of statement of literature belonging to Brazilian and Portuguese-speaking African countries with regard to the European canon.
4 - Establish notions of "national literature" and "derived literature"; recognition of a specific context, constituted by history, memory, fictionalization and imaginary world in Portuguese-speaking countries;
5 - Develop critical reflection about identities and cultural world fantasy of the Portuguese-speaking countries.
6 - Obtain instruments to delineate lines of continuity and differences among various cultural traditions.
7 - Understand widely national literatures and culture for comparative relations among them.


1 - he African-Brazilian context: historical, social, political and economic differences between the Portuguese-speaking African countries and Brazil
2 - Formation of Brazilian Literature:
2.1 - Brazilian literature as derived from Portuguese literature;
2.2 - he writings of discovery and indoctrination; nativist feelings and "ufanism"
2.3 - the artistic expression of the Baroque and Arcadianism
2.4 - From when a national literature?
3 - Emancipation and Modernity:
3.1 - Romanticism and the search for an identity; proposals of linguistic and literary originality
3.2 - The Portuguese contradictory reaction
3.3 - Indianism; the lack of black element and his literary rehabilitation
3.4 - he modernist revolution and the cultural and literary emancipation
4 - Lusophone African Literatures - proposals for a new Africa through poetry and the novel:
4.1 - from the mirror of the colony to the reflection of the contemporary world
4.2 - Africa as the center of the world and the humanistic and universalist concerns.


Luísa Paolinelli , 2015 , Caderno de Textos Brasileiros ,
AFONSO, Maria Fernanda. , 2004 , O Conto Moçambicano. Escritas Pós-coloniais, Lisboa , Caminho;
BOSI, Alfredo. , 1980 , História Concisa da Literatura Brasileira, São Paulo, , Cultrix
CHABAL, Patrick , 1994 , Vozes Moçambicanas. Literatura e Nacionalidade , Lisboa, Vega
CRISTÓVÃO, Fernando, , 2005 , Cruzeiro do Sul a Norte, , INCM
Fernando Cristóvão , 2003 , O Romance Brasileiro Político Contemporâneo , Coimbra, Almedina
MARTINS, Celina , 2006 , O Entrelaçar das Vozes Mestiças. Análise das Poéticas da Alteridade em Edouard Glissant e Mia Couto. , Lisboa, Princípia
RAMA, Ángel. , 1982 , La transculturación narrativa en América Latina , Siglo XXI Editores;
TRIGO, Salvato , Ensaios de Literatura Comparada Afro-Luso-Brasileira, , Vega Universidade.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Dialogue will be fostered, through the interaction of students with the teacher and among the students in order to promote the acquisition, understanding and practice of literature in the context of class. In class, we expect students to practice reading, understanding, creating oral and written texts, aiming at the development of communicative, interpersonal and intercultural skills. Students will be forwarded in order to constitute their own objects work and their projects. It is aimed by the oral assignement to encourage to put into practice the theory by the planification of a class aimed at different audiences using literature as subject and object of study of art. Students should make two tests corresponding to the two major parts of the program, one of short answer and the other constituted by an essay (40% + 40%) and present an individual work (lesson planning) (20%).