Subject: Intercultural Dialogues

Scientific Area:

Culture Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - 1. To understand the dialogues that the notion of culture (s) establishes with other areas and related specialties
2 - 2. To stimulate the multidisciplinary understanding of the Culture in the dialogues with texts coming from other areas of knowledge (Literature, History, Philosophy, Communication, Art, among others)
3 - 3. To enunciate the contribution of some authors and intellectual movements essential for reflection on the dialogue between Cultures (European, in particular, Portuguese and French)
4 - 4. To analyse recurring and structuring themes of the European imaginary (language, memory, travel)


1. - 1. Intercultural dialogism: Culture, transmission and memory
1.1. - 1.1 Cultures and moral codes
1.2. - 1.2. Cultural Relativism-Challenges
2. - 2. Identity and Cultural diversity: representation of the other
2.1. - 2.1 Comparative study of cultural images of Europe
2.2. - 2.2. Political, social and cultural changes in the Century of Lights and their representations in European culture
3. - 3. The construction of identity: from modernity to postmodernity
3.1. - 3.1. Contemporary images and metaphors of the Portuguese cultural identity (from literature to cinema, political discourse and publicity)
3.2 - 3.2. Intercultural communication: Images and mediatized metaphors


AGUIAR e SILVA, Vítor , 2010 , As Humanidades, os estudos culturais, o ensino da literatura e a política da língua portuguesa , Almedina
BAECQUE, A. , 1998 , Histoire Culturelle de la France ? Lumières et Liberté, Les XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, tome 3 , Seuil, coll. «Points»
BARKER, Chris , 2003 , Cultural Studies. Theory and Practice. 2 ed. , Sage Publications
BIROU, A. , 1982 , Dicionário de Ciências Sociais , D. Quixote
CAMPBELL, Peter Robert , 2009 , Luís XIV (trad. de Isabel Andrade) , Editorial Presença
COBBAN, Alfred , 1988 , A interpretação social da Revolução Francesa , Gradiva
EAGLETON, Terry , 2000 , The Idea of Culture , Blackwell Publishers
FABRE, Daniel (dir.) , 1996 , L?Europe Entre Cultures et Nations , Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l?Homme
LIPOVETSKY, Gilles, Jean Serroy , 2008 , A Cultura-Mundo. Resposta a uma Sociedade Desorientada , Edições 70
LOURENÇO, Eduardo , 1994 , A Europa Desencantada: Para uma Mitologia Europeia , Edições Lisboa Visão
MACHADO, A. M.; PAGEAUX, D.-H. , 2001 , Da literatura comparada à teoria da literatura , Editorial Presença
MARTINS, Guilherme de Oliveira , 2009 , Património, Herança e Memória. A cultura como Criação , Gradiva
THIESSE, Anne-Marie , 2000 , A Criação das Identidades Nacionais , Temas e Debates
MOREIRA, Adriano , 1994 , Identidade Europeia e Identidade Portuguesa , Página a Página
GRAÇA MOURA, Vasco , 2013 , A Identidade Cultural Europeia , Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
PIRES, Maria Laura Bettencourt , 2004 , Teorias da Cultura , Universidade Católica Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The classes combine the theoretical components (where the theoretical principles of the syllabus are presented and discussed) and theoretical-practical (where the student applies the knowledge and exposes his reflections); the theoretical exposition is consolidated with theoretical-practical work. Critical thinking is practiced and analysis and synthesis activities are carried out, leading to joint discussion, sharing of ideas and problematization. Students are strongly encouraged to develop research work. To evaluate the knowledge are realized: a) A written test in presential regime (50%); b) An oral presentation up to 15 mns (50%).