Subject: Intercultural Crossings in Lusophone World

Scientific Area:

Culture Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The CU is adapted to the future graduates in Cultural Sciences who will acquire a deep theoretical and practical knowledge about the linguistic and cultural diversity in the Portuguese Speaking Countries? space, particularly the notions of the cultural melting pot and shared cultural mythology, highlighting the specificities of each Portuguese Speaking Country.
2 - It is intended also to provide knowledge of stylistics for students to analyze texts of the Portuguese speaking writers who are deeply interested in the shock of alterities during the colonial regime. The study of the theme about travel in Guimarães Rosa will enable students to develop the notion of polysemantics articulated with poetic enigma.
3 - Students develop skills in doing research and develop analytical techniques that allow them to read and to interpret paintings, sculptures, works of architecture.


1 - Lusophony: different representations, misconceptions and concept in constant transformation.
2 - Shocks alterities.
2.1 - "A fronteira de asfalto" (José Luandino Vieira, 1957).
2.2 - "Nós matámos o Cão-Tinhoso" (Luís Honwana, 1942).
2.3 - "Os Amantes" (David Mourão-Ferreira, 1969).
3 - Crossings, rewritten and memories.
3.1 - "Terra Sonâmbula" (Mia Couto, 1922): the allegory of a country split by civil war.
3.2 - "A terceira margem do rio" (João Guimarães Rosa, 1962): puzzle, experience the unfathomable and the reinvention of language.
4 - The song as a critical expression and interpretation of the world (Zeca Afonso, Jorge Palma, Trovante, Madredeus, Rui Veloso, Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Cesaria Evora, etc..).
5 - The interArts relationships on Lusophone speaking world: Lusophone literature that thematizes cultural clashes and also handles music and painting as a way of reading in society.


GENETTE, Gérard , Palimpsestes. La Littérature au second degré 1 ,
LOURENÇO, Eduardo , A Nau de Ícaro seguido de Imagem e Miragem da Lusofonia ,
MARGARIDO, Alfredo , A Lusofonia e os Lusófonos. Novos Mitos Portugueses , Edições
MARTINS, Celina , O Entrelaçar das Vozes Mestiças. Análise das Poéticas da Alteridade em Edouard Glissant e Mia Couto ,
PRATT, Mary Louise , Travel Writing and Transculturation ,
SANCHES, Manuela Ribeiro , Descolonizar a Europa. Antropologia, Arte, Literatura e História na Póscolonialidade ,
CASTELO, Cláudia , O modo português de estar no mundo ? O lusotropicalismo e a ideologia colonial portuguesa ,
CRISTOVÃO, Fernando , Da Lusitanidade à Lusofonia ,
GIL, José , Portugal, Hoje. O medo de existir. ,
MOREIRA, Adriano e José Carlos Venâncio , Lusotropicalismo. Uma teoria social em questão. ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The syllabus contents are covered in theoretical sessions (in which they expose and discuss the theoretical principles of the program) and theoretical-practical (in which the student experiences the tools, methods and concepts acquired through problems? resolution and exercises). Students are invited to participate in class, analyzing and discussing issues and clarifying questions or doubts. The teacher gives a model of interpretation of literary texts, encouraging students to have their independent thoughts or opinions. Creative written exercises that constitute a logical chain of analyzed literary texts are also implemented. An assessment in the field of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired is carried out through a written test (50%). Conducting fieldwork written individual research (25%), and oral presentation (25%) to put into practice the methodologies of scientific work and skills improvement expression, oral and written communication.