Subject: Text Workshop

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Questioning the notion of "text"
2 - Reflect on the importance of reading (decode, interprete, analyze, develop the discursive skill) and writing as well
3 - Classify correctly different texts
4 - Recognize the constitutive parts from various types/categories of texts
5 - Analysis of differents types of texts at various levels: lexical, morphological, syntactic, propositional and pragmatic levels
6 - Practice the analytical exercices, comments and the spirit/mind of synthesis
7 - Produce as appropriate texts from different types/genres
8 - Intensify the contact with instruments of work and diffetent support materials to produce or to create texts
9 - Develop the auto-observation, an auto/hetero-correction and a critical spirit
10 - Practice how to produce texts according to appropriate register and writings in perfect Portuguese - the mother tongue


1 - What is a text ?
1.1 - Questioning of the notion of "text"?
1.1.1 - From cohesion to coherence
1.1.2 - Frontiers between text, document and wording
1.2 - General classifications
1.2.1 - Oral texts, written texts
1.2.2 - Literary and non-literary texts
1.2.3 - Textual patterns
1.2.4 - "Deviated" texts: plagiarism, pastiche and parody
2 - Reading, re-reading, reflecting and writing
2.1 - Structure of text
2.2 - Identification of the intention: the transmitter's wish
2.3 - The topical progression
2.4 - Textual technics
2.4.1 - Analyzing is not commenting
2.4.2 - Re-reading: the most important issue
2.4.3 - Synthetizing
2.4.4 - Paraphrasing and quoting
3 - Writing and re-writing
3.1 - Purpose of text: the social intervention
3.2 - Planning of writing: coordination with essential parts
3.3 - Wording: the language as first raw material
3.3.1 - The writing production: "before, during and after"
3.3.2 - Original idea / relating data
3.3.3 - Satisfaction and correction


SILVA, Paulo Nunes da Silva , Tipologias Textuais ? Como Classificar Textos e Sequências , Coimbra
BENVENISTE, Émile, , 1966, , Problèmes de Linguistique générale, 1 e 2, Paris , Paris, Gallimard
BRONCKART, Jean-Paul , 1997 , Activité langagière, textes et discours. Pour un interactionisme socio-discursif, Paris , Delachaux et Niestlé,
COUTINHO, Maria Antónia , 2003 , Texto(s) e competência textual, Lisboa , FCG-FCT,
FONSECA, Fernanda Irene , 1994 , Pedagogia da Escrita. Perspectivas, , Porto Editora,
FONSECA, Joaquim , 1993 , Estudos de Sintaxe-Semântica e Pragmática do Português , Porto Editora
HAVELOCK, Eric A, , 1996 , A Musa Aprende a Escrever , Lisboa, Gradiva
MAINGUENEAU, Dominique , 1993 , Éléments de Linguistique pour le texte Littéraire, Paris, , Dunod,
MAINGUENEAU, Dominique , 1998 , Analyser les textes de communication , Dunod,
SILVA. Sara Almeida , 2017 , Como escrever (tudo) em Português Correto , Manuscrito Editora
PINTO, Rosalice; TEIXEIRA, Carla , 2008 , O intertexto na dinamicidade da produção textual , Associação Portuguesa de Linguísitica

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The theoretical and practical lectures; supervised activities; presentation and discussion of practical work. Although not directly related to assessment, some elements will still be considered: attendance and punctuality; work submission on time; performance in the individual work preparations; active participation in classes and in work group; quality character in work presentation; reading verification. The final classification of assessment will be the average of points obtained in the elements as following: I - Written test - 50%; III - Essay - 50 %.

Subject Leader:

Naidea Nunes Nunes