Subject: Introduction to Literature and Tourism

Scientific Area:

Literary Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Analyse the relationship Literature and Tourism
2 - Identify the contribution of authors / literary works in their relationship with the Tourism
3 - Define literary tourism
4 - Recognize the virtues of literature in the creation of literary locations
5 - Investigate theoretical contributions capable of supporting implementation practices of cultural tourism
6 - Construct Tourist-Literary Routes that are based literary system
7 - Indicate literary strategies for the development of tourism
8 - The objectives designed according to the content to be taught are the following correspondence: Objective 1 - point 1; Objective 2 - point 2; Objective 3 - point 3; Objective 4 - point 4 and 4.1.; Goal 5 - 4.2.; Objectives 6:07 - 4.3.


1 - Literature, travel and cultural tourism: exploration, reflections and challenges
1.1 - Writers and reader travelers
2 - The literary tourism, as a cultural tourism segment
2.1 - Motivations and experiences
3 - Categorizations of literary tourism - Case studies
3.1 - The text (characters and places)
3.2 - The author (birth, experiences)
3.3 - Mediation and promotion (libraries, festivals, centenarians, movies ...)
4 - Literary Cartographies
4.1 - "Cities of Literature" (UNESCO): authenticity/social construction
4.2 - The contributions of GeoCritique, the geopoetics and ecocriticism
4.3 - Proposals for implementation of literary routes
4.3.1 - The technological and cultural alliance
4.3.2 - The role of cultural and tourist mediators


HERBERT, D. , 1996 , "Artistic and literary places in France as tourist attractions" ,
QUINTEIRO, Sílvia, BALEIRO, Rita , 2014 , Lit & Tour, Ensaios Sobre a Literatura e Turismo , Húmus
SARETZKI, A. , 2013 , Literary Trails, Urban Space and The Actualization of Heritage ,
SCOTT, LAWS, Eric, BOKSBERGER, Philipp , 2010 , Marketing of Tourism Experiences, Routledge Reading the Landscape : The development of a tipology of Literary Trails that incorporate an experiential design perspective ,
WESTPHAL, B , Pour une approche géocritique des textes, SFLGC (Vox Poetica) ,
BOUVET, Rachel , 2013 , Géopoétique, géocritique, écocritique: points communs et divergences ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Foreseen presentation classes/oral defence of individual work with intervention/evaluation end collective, previously defined and tutorial supervision. CONTINUOUS EVALUATION: - An individual written work (April) in class attendance 50%; - Research work with oral presentation (15 minutes) 50%; REASSESSMENT PERIOD (Improvement/Resource); Final Exam - written test: 50% of the final grade