Subject: Literary Studies
Scientific Area:
Literary Studies
64 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Provide the students with knowledge to help caracterizing the fictionality of literary text so that they could understand the peculiarity of its semantic and pragmatic structures.
2 - Caracterize the specificities according to lyric, narrative and drama.
3 - Grant the students with fundamental instruments of reflection which allow students to produce text autonomously and creatively.
1 - 1. From the concept of literature to literary terms (literariedade)
2 - Dynamics of the periods of literature
2.1 - Problematic cases of the "periodology" in literature
2.2 - Periodological and continuous dynamics in literature
3 - Text, intertextuality and re-writing
4 - Modes and genre in literature
4.1 - Diachronic perspective
4.2 - Rhetoric of literary communication
5 - Lyric mode - Rewriting of romance in "the Last romance (O Último romântico) (1981) from José Agostinho Baptista (1948).
6 - Narrative mode - Metafictional games and palimpsest in Os olhos do Homem que chorava no rio (2003) / the Men's eyes who cried/ from Jorge Marmelo (1971) and Ana Paula Tavares (1952)
7 - Drama mode - An existential demand in the Wood State /A demanda existencial em O Estado do Bosque(2005), from José Tolentino Mendonça.
8 - Creative writing.
ARISTÓTELES , 1990 , Poética , Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda
BARTHES, Roland , 1973 , O Prazer do texto , Edições 70
BAKHTINE, Mikhaïl , 1975 , Esthétique et théorie du roman, trad. Daria Olivier , Gallimard
BOOTH, Wayne C , 1980 , A retórica da ficção , Ed. Arcádia
CHKLOVSKI, Victor , 1965 , L?art comme procédé» , Paris, Seuil
COELHO, Eduardo Prado , 1997 , O cálculo das sombras , ASA
COMPAGNOM, Antoine , 1979 , La Seconde Main ou le Travail de la Citation , Seuil
CUNHA, Celso e CINTRA, Lindley , 2000 , Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo , Ed. Sá da Costa
FIGUEIREDO, Maria Jorge Vilar de , 1990 , Comentar um texto literário , Presença
KAYSER, Wolfgang , 1985 , Análise e Interpretação da Obra Literária , Arménio Amado
LAPA, M. Rodrigues , 1984 , Estilística da Língua Portuguesa , Coimbra: Editora
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching methodology is based on the analytical method which aims to develop students' thinking skills. Assessment System : - One partial written exam, equivalent to 40% of the final course mark, which assesses the students' acquisition of the learning material comprised in the syllabus. - One written commentary of a literary text, equivalent to 40%, which asseses students' analysis and argumentation skills, promoting autonomous work. - An oral Viva on the literary text commentary, equivalent to 20%, which assesses students's discursive and argumentative skills focusing on their competence to discuss various points of view.