Subject: Rhetoric and Communication
Scientific Area:
Scientific, Cultural, Social and Ethical Formation
104 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
1 Understand the system of classical rhetoric;
2 Understand the evolutionary processes of the system of communication;
3 Explain the use of techniques of rhetoric in the new media;
4 Know how to apply argumentative strategies in different contexts of communication.
BERLO, David K. (1999). O processo da comunicação ? Introdução à Teoria e à Prática. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.
BRETON, Philippe A Argumentação na Comunicação. Dom Quixote.
McQUAIL, Denis e WINDAHL, Sven Modelos de Comunicação para o Estudo da Comunicação de Massas. Ed. Notícias.
RAMONET, Ignacio A Tirania da Comunicação. Campo das Letras.
AA.VV BOCC Biblioteca Online de Ciências da Comunicação, Stephen E. Toulmin (1958). The uses of Argument. Cambridge University Press.
Dominique Wolton (2000). E depois da Internet? Para uma teoria crítica dos novos médias. Difel.
G. KENNEDY (1994). A New History of Classical Rhetoric. Princeton University Press.
C. PERELMAN& L. OLBRECHTS-TYTECA (2000). Tratado da Argumentação: A Nova Retórica. Inst. Piaget.
Barbosa, E. & Granado, A. (2004). Weblogs: Diário de Bordo. Porto Editora.
LYON, David (1992). A Sociedade da Informação: Questões e Ilusões. Celta Editora.
ZENGOTITA, Th. (2006). Como os Média Moldam o Nosso Mundo e o Modo como Vivemos Mediatizados. Bizâncio.
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology: The teaching methodology is centered on the exhibition and discussion of the syllabus, preferably in the first lesson of the week. From the second lesson onward knowledge is to be applied in the form of debates on topics of interest to students, focusing on the development of communication skills. They must particularly develop the skills and forms of effective argumentative discourse. In class, students are expected to present the results of research developed at home and topics covered in class work are to be discussed in subordination to the program contents and to the objectives of the course.The evaluation consists of written tests (80% of the evaluation; 40% each) for the application of skills related to writing, and an oral presentation to the class (20%) for oral application skills.