Subject: Persuasive Computing

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Learn the variety of ways in which persuasion occurs through the use of artificial intelligence techniques;
2 - Understand and master the persuasive power of interactive technologies;
3 - To prototype, implement and evaluate a system or a change to an existing environment with the goal of stimulating or sustaining a behavior or belief change, for instance reducing cgnotivie biases, adopt healthy behaviors or prosocial atitudes.
4 - Apply the theoretical foundations of persuasive computing in concrete context of behavior change induction.


1 - This is a multidisciplinary project-based course that discusses the theoretical foundations of persuasive computing and explores them in the design and evaluation of technologies and environments that aim to change users? attitudes, emotions, or behaviors. Argumentation, logic and persuasion
2 - Behavior change induction systems
3 - Mobile and ubiquituous persuasion
4 - Persuasion and cognition
5 - Persuasive interfaces
6 - Persuasive technologies in intelligent environments
7 - Evaluation tools
8 - Applications: health and well-being


B. J. Fogg , 2003 , Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do. , Morgan Kaufmann
S. Wendel , 2014 , Designing for Behavior Change: Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics. , O'Reilly

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The course is "hands-on", with intensive and iterative programming assignments. There are 4 homework assignments providing practical exercises related to material in the first half of the course. These will be due one week after they are assigned. The final exam accounts for 45% of the grade, with reading summaries, homework assignments and in-class participation accounting for the remaining 55%.