Subject: Electromagnetism

Scientific Area:



96 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Master the most important basic concepts of Electromagnetism and knowing how to apply theoretical knowledge to solve simple problems.
2 - Apply mathematical models to the phenomena of everyday life, nature and technology, perform numerical estimates.
3 - Develop curiosity and critical thinking.


1 - Electric Charge and Electric Field, 1.1. Electric charge, 1.2. Coulomb's Law, 1.3. Electric field
2 - Electrostatics, 2.1. Work in an electric field, 2.2. Electric field potential, 2.3. Energy of distributions of charges, 2.4. Notion of flux of an electric field, 2.5. Gauss's Law, 2.6. Fields created by simple distributions of charges, 2.7. Differential form of Gauss's law, 2.8. Electric field in an ideal conductor, 2.9. Capacity and capacitors
3 - Polarization of Matter, 3.1. Polarization, 3.2. Electric displacement, 3.3. Energy density of the electric field in matter
4 - Stationary Electric Current, 4.1. Movement of charges and electric current, 4.2. Ohm's Law, 4.3. Microscopic view of current transfer in matter, 4.4. Energy dissipated in a resistor and Joule effect, 4.5. Electromotive force, 4.6. Circuit analysis and Kirchhoff's laws
5 - Magnetic Field, 5.1. Magnetic field and its effect on moving charges. Lorentz force, 5.2. Effect of magnetic field on electric current. Laplace force
6 - Magnetostatics, 6.1. Production of magnetic field by current. Biot-Savart law, 6.2. Interaction between two parallel wires, 6.3. Ampere's Law, 6.4. Magnetic flux
7 - Variable Magnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Induction, 7.1. Electromagnetic induction and Faraday's law, 7.2. Lenz's law and Foucault currents, 7.3. Mutual induction and self-induction, 7.4. Energy in inductive circuits
8 - Magnetization of Matter, 8.1. Diamagnetism, paramagnetism and ferromagnetism, 8.2. Magnetization and magnetic field intensity, 8.3. Energy density of the magnetic field in matter
9 - Maxwell's Equations, 9.1. Displacement current, 9.2. Maxwell's Equations, 9.3. Electromagnetic waves
10 - Alternating Current Circuits, 10.1. Elements of alternating current circuits, 10.2. Impedance, 10.3. AC circuit calculation examples, 10.4. Power in alternating current circuits


J. E. Villate , 1999 , Electromagnetismo , McGraw-Hill
R. Resnick e D. Halliday , 1984 , Física , Livros Técnicos e Científicos
R. A. Serway, J. W. Jewett , 2014 , Physics for Scientists and Engineers , Brooks/Cencage Learning
R. K. Wangness , 1986 , Electromagnetic Fields , Wiley

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Blackboard will be used in theoretical classes to present the contents. The video projector can be used to display figures, plots, and tables. In theoretical-practical classes, students will solve problems from the problem sheets prepared by the teacher. Practical classes consist of carrying out experiments in the laboratory. Practical classes consist of carrying out experiments in the laboratory and the respective processing of the data obtained. Type of laboratory activities: Exercises, Predict-Observe-Explain-Reflect (with laboratory procedure included). List of laboratory work: P1-Introductory notes. P2-The oscilloscope. P3-Voltage divider. Current divider. P4-Voltage source. Current source. P5-Capacitor: Charging and discharging. P6-Capacitor: Impedance and filters. P7-Tracing of electric and magnetic field lines. P8-Induced electromotive force. P9-RLC circuit, damped oscillations and forced oscillations. P10-Magnetic dipole moment of a magnet. P11-Cathode ray deflection. In accordance with Assessment Model B of Regulation No. 821/2022, the assessment will have two components, one theoretical and one laboratory, in which students will have to obtain at least 9.5 points in each: - Theoretical Component, with a weight of 75% in the final grade; - Laboratory component, with a weight of 25% in the final grade. The Theoretical component will be assessed by completing two tests. The weight of each frequency in the final grade is 37.5%. The Laboratory component will be assessed through two practical exams. The weight of each practical exam in the final grade is 12.5%.