Subject: Physical Instrumentation

Scientific Area:



96 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Describe the electronic behavior of basic electronic components such as resistors, inductors, capacitors.
2 - Perform a theoretical analysis of circuits with discrete components.
3 - Apply basic measurement techniques using the voltmeter, the ammeter and the oscilloscope to study electrical circuits in direct and alternating current. Explain the limitations of the measuring equipment and predict errors due to non-ideal behavior.
4 - Apply theoretical knowledge in electrical circuit simulation and data acquisition programs such as MatLAb or LabVIEW
5 - Program a microcontroller to read and send sensor data to a PC.


1 - Kirchhoff and Ohm's law. Inductors and capacitors, transient response. Sinusoidal signals and Impedance
2 - Diodes. Simple circuits with LEDs. Transistors operating as switches.
3 - The operational amplifier. Amplification and active filtering.
4 - Fundamentals of measurement and instrumentation: calibration, uncertainty, performance characterisitics. Measurements with the multimeter and oscilloscope.
5 - Introduction to electrical circuit simulation and data acquisition programs such as MatLab or LabView.
6 - Introduction to the integrated development environment of a microcontroller. Use of the digital I/O interface, serial interface, sampling and the ADC.


Vítor Meireles , "Circuitos Eléctricos" , Lidel edições técnicas
J.A. Brandão Faria , 2013 , Análise de Circuitos , IST Press
Aurélio Campilho , 2000 , Instrumentação Electrónica. Métodos e Técnicas de Medição , FEUP Edições
A. Morris, R. Langari , 2012 , Measurement and Instrumentation , Elsevier
E. Gertz. P. Justo , 2012 , Environmental Monitoring with Arduino , O'Reilly

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology employed in theoretical classes is expositive. The contents are laid out on the board, slides, equations and formulae derived from first principles and great emphasis is put into the connection between physical formulae and the real world. Theoretical-practical classes consist in problem solving. Some key problems are worked out on the board, but the bulk of problems is solved independently by the students, who can count with individual assistance from the lecturer whenever needed. Practical classes consist in experiments on the laboratory or computer. Evaluation Model: B. Evaluation Methodology: T and TP components: 2 written tests. All two without aid materials. In the examination period 1, 2 or 2 tests can be improved. Lab component: 3 lab works. In the examination period 1 of the works can be improved.