Subject: Urban Rehabilitation
Scientific Area:
Civil Engineering
80 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
A) - Sensitize students for a paradigm shift in the construction sector where urban rehabilitation has been grown, not only because of the need for maintenance, but also due to the new habitability and environmental requirements and the availability of new technologies.
B) - Provide students with knowledge of rehabilitation policies, especially of old cities, and of the respective planning strategies used.
C) - To enable students to apply for various funding programs for urban rehabilitation and energy efficiency, as well as other alternatives.
D) - Recognition of national and regional built heritage.
E) - Diagnostic and inspection of existing buildings.
F) - Proposal of measures of intervention and make the project of building rehabilitation respecting the international principles regarding the intervention in existing buildings.
1. - The concept of integrated urban rehabilitation. Why, for whom and how to rehabilitate. 10 Rs. Sustainability. Climate changes. Energy and water efficiency, and emissions and waste in buildings.
2. - Administrative instruments for urban rehabilitation. Public and private financing programs for urban rehabilitation.
3. - Characterization of traditional regional and national buildings.
4. - Factors for the degradation of buildings. Lifespan. Durability. Non-structural anomalies in buildings.
5. - Survey and diagnosis of anomalies and pathologies in buildings. Tests.
6. - Principles of intervention in built space. Regulatory requirements applicable to the rehabilitation of buildings in terms of hygrothermal, ventilation, acoustics, water, landscaping, accessibility, and technical installations. Introduction to Fire Safety in Buildings.
7. - Intervention solutions in buildings. Materials and technologies of non-structural rehabilitation.
Álvaro Santos , 2018 , Reabilitação Urbana e a Sustentabilidade das Cidades , Vida Económica
Autores , 2010 , O Novo Regime da Reabilitação Urbana , Almedina
Proença de Carvalho, Uría Menéndez , 2010 , Reabilitação Urbana , Vida Imobiliária
Francisco Cabral Metello , 2008 , Manual de Reabilitação Urbana , Edições Almedina
Autores , 2006 , Guia Técnico de Reabilitação Habitacional , IHRU
Vasco Peixoto de Freitas , 2012 , Manual de Apoio ao Projecto de Reabilitação de Edifícios Antigos , OERN
João Appleton, José Aguiar, António Reis Cabrita , 2012 , Guião de Apoio à Reabilitação de Edifícios Habitacionais , LNEC
João Appleton , 2011 , Reabilitação de Edifícios Antigos. Patologias e Tecnologias de Intervenção , -
Vítor Cóias, Luís Filipe Coelho , 2009. , Inspecções e ensaios na reabilitação de edifícios , IST Press
Jorge Mascarenhas , 2012 , Sistemas de Construção XIII - Reabilitação Urbana , HORIZONTE
Autores , 2014 , Sistemas de Construção XIV - Construção e Reabilitação Sustentáveis , HORIZONTE
Autores , Legislação diversa. ,
Luís Bragança, Ricardo Mateus , 2011 , Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida dos Edifícios - Impacte Ambiental de Solução Construtivas , Edição do Autor
João Lanzinha , 2013 , Reabilitação de Edifícios - Metodologia de diagnóstico e intervenção , Fundação Nova Europa
Fernando Sousa, Filipe Moreira Silva, Hipólito de Sousa, Rui de Sousa , 2016 , Fachadas de Edifícios , Lidel
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
Teaching method: Theoretical classes: Expositive and participative lectures. Theoretical-practical classes: real problem solving. Assistance to the students to clarify doubts and support the practical works. Evaluation method: Evaluation distributed with: 2 Frequencies (30% each) and 2 Practical Works (20% each).