Subject: Hydraulics

Scientific Area:

Civil Engineering


80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

O1 - Provide knowledge about the fundamentals of hydraulics: property of fluids, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic hidrocinemática.
O2 - Provide the students with skills to analyze and solve the current problems in relation to the Hydraulic pressure and flow with free surface, based on the current state of knowledge.
O3 - Develop soft skills, particularly with regard to the use of computational tools, holistic approach integrating the dimensions of sustainability, as well as drafting and technical reporting.


CT.1 - Introduction to Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources.
CT.2 - Property of Fluids.
CT.3 - Hydrostatic.
CT.4 - Hidrocinemática.
CT.5 - Hydrodynamics (Principle of Conservation of Energy (Bernoulli's theorem); Hydraulic Power: Pumps and Turbines; Euler's Theorem or the quantity of movement; Laws of Resistance of Uniform Flows; Flows Permanent and Variable Pressure; Hydraulic Turbomachinery; Flows with Free Superfífice , Hydraulic Structures).
CT.6 - Hydraulic subsurface.
CT.7 - Notions of Maritime Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering.


Mata-Lima H , 2004 , A Engenharia Hidráulica e dos Recursos Hídricos, a Sociedade e o Ambiente: uma relação de cumplicidade , Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos
WHITE, F.M. , 2002 , Mecânica dos Fluídos , McGraw-Hill
Lencastre, A. , 1983 , Hidráulica Geral , Hidroprojecto
QUINTELA, A.C. , 2005 , Hidráulica, 9ª Edição , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Cardoso, A.H. , 1996 , Hidráulica Fluvial, , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Chow, V.T. , 1981 , Open Channel Hydraulics , McGraw-Hill
Massey, B. , 2002 , Mecânica_dos_Fluídos , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Barbosa, J. N. , 1982 , Mecânica dos fluidos e Hidráulica Geral , Porto Editora
Barbosa, J. N. , 1985 , Mecânica dos fluidos e Hidráulica Geral 2 , Porto Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Mini-Tests: aim to assess theoretical knowledge, practical and theoretical-practical. This way the student can, throughout the semester, evaluate their performance and change strategies if necessary. ? (2,5% + 2,5% = 5,0%) Work: The work is assessed per report, presentation or discussion. Allows students to develop writing skills, presentation of results, develop oral communication skills and teamwork. ? (25,0%) Frequencies/Exams: aim to periodically evaluate the knowledge acquired by students, including the ability to integrate different content in a holistic way. ? (35,0% + 35,0% = 70,0%) In the Resort Season and Special Season, the exam is worth 70% of the final evaluation, ie only the frequency is recoverable. The parts of the evaluation corresponding to the work and the mini-tests are not recoverable.