Subject: Building Physics
Scientific Area:
Civil Engineering
80 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
1 - Provide the students a basic formation in Building Physics refering the importance of this area in the exigencial and regulatory context associated to the project and construction of buildings.
2 - Provide analysis methodologies for the physical behavior of buildings, concerning topics on hygrothermal behavior, natural ventilation, acoustics and natural lighting.
1 - Thermal behavior
1.1 - Heat transmission mechanisms
1.2 - Conduction, convection and radiation laws
1.3 - Steady and variable state
1.4 - Thermal bridges
1.5 - Buildings Thermal balance and simplified methods for energy needs calculations
2 - Humidity
2.1 - Humidity in buildings, causes and effects
2.2 - Psychrometric
2.3 - Characteristic quantities of humid air
2.4 - Moisture transport mechanisms
2.5 - Surface and interior condensation risk analysis
3 - Natural ventilation
3.1 - Flow rate and pressure difference relationship
3.2 - Wind ventilation and thermal action
3.3 - Air flow calculations
4 - Acoustics
4.1 - Sound propagation and measurement
4.2 - Geometrical acoustics
4.3 - Enclosed spaces sound fields
4.4 - Sound absorption and reverberation time
4.5 - Sound isolation and air percussion
5 - Daylighting
5.1 - Light physics and fundamental quantities
5.2 - Light sources and sky models
5.3 - Daylight factor
F. M. A. Henriques , 2007 , Humidade em Paredes (Colecção Edifícios N.º1) , LNEC
J. Viegas , 2010 , Ventilação Natural de Edifícios de Habitação (Colecção Edifícios N.º 4) , LNEC
A. M. Rodrigues, A. C. Piedade, A. M. Braga , 2009 , Térmica de edifícios , Edições Orion
J. Patrício , 2018 , Acústica nos edifícios , PUBLINDUSTRIA
A. J. Santos , 2014 , A iluminação natural nos edifícios. Uma perspetiva no âmbito do conforto ambiental e da eficiência energética (ITE 57) , LNEC
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
In the theoretical classes the functional requirements of the buildings will be presented, deduced and demonstrated the fundamentals and the regulatory calculation methodologies that allow to satisfy these requirements. In the theoretical-practical classes will be carried out application exercises with current buildings. In the evaluation will be realized three tests (30% each) and two works (5% each) with the objective of assessing theoretical and theoretical-practical knowledge. In this way, the student can, during the semester, evaluate their performance and change strategies if necessary. Resource and special seasons: final exam that covers the various topics of the curricular unit. Students who obtain a classification higher than 17 values are subject to oral test to be able to obtain a final classification higher than 17 values.