Subject: Introduction to Electronics
Scientific Area:
80 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
1 - Identify and understand the functioning of the constituent components and devices of electrical and electronic circuits.
2 - Know how to apply the fundamental Laws of electricity.
3 - Analyze direct current and alternating current circuits.
4 - Know and understand the more common circuits that use diodes.
5 - Know and understand the more common circuits that use transistors (junction and field effect).
6 - Know and understand the more common circuits that use operational amplifiers.
7 - Know and understand some simple circuits built with a microcontroller.
8 - Use of adequate equipment and techniques for practical work.
9 - Use of (software) simulation tools.
1 - Introduction: System of units; Notion of current; Conduction in solids, liquids and gases.
2 - Electrical quantities: Current, Resistance; Voltage; Circuit diagrams.
3 - Laws of electric circuits: Ohm's, Kirchhoff's Law of meshes, Kirchhoff's Law of knots; Equivalent resistance; Superposition Principle; Voltage and current dividers; Sources of energy;
4 - DC analysis: Analysis methods; Analysis with controlled sources; Thévenin's and Norton's Theorems; Measurements in DC.
5 - AC analysis: Steinmetz transform; Capacitors and Inductors; Impedance; Powers in AC; Transformers; Measurements in AC.
6 - Energy production and transportation.
7 - Diodes: Real and Ideal diodes; Rectifying and Limiting circuits; Other types of diodes.
8 - Bipolar Junction Transistors: Modes of operation; Functioning as an amplifier or switch; Amplifiers with a single BJT.
9 - Field Effect Transistors: Modes of operation; Functioning as an amplifier or switch; Amplifiers with a single FET.
10 - Operational Amplifiers: Functioning as comparators or as amplifiers; Inverting and non inverting configurations; Other applications.
11 - Microcontrollers: Arduino platform; Inputs and Outputs (digital and analog); Basic circuits.
Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith , 2004 , Microelectronic Circuits , Oxford University Press
Vítor Meireles , "Circuitos Eléctricos" , Lidel edições técnicas
Luís Aguiar Gomes , "Apontamentos de Análise de Circuitos" ,
Luís Aguiar Gomes , "Apontamentos de Dispositivos Eletrónicos" ,
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
Teaching methodologies: - Lectures; - Problem solving; - Laboratory assignments including simulations; Evaluation: - Oral presentations and reports for the laboratory assignments (50% for the average of the 6 assignments); - 2 Tests (25% for each test); - Exams for appeal and special season.