Subject: Biomedical Engineering Laboratory

Scientific Area:

Biomedical Engineering


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - This curricular unit aims to familiarize students with various physiological signals (e.g., EMG, EEG, ECG) and deepen their theoretical knowledge in digital signal processing. The emphasis is on enhancing design skills, covering the acquisition of physiological signals, conditioning, filtering, analysis, and representation of associated information.


1 - Biomedical Signals: - ECG, EEG, EMG, Blood Pressure, Respiration
2 - Artifact and Interference Removal: - Linear Filters (FIR, IIR) - Optimal and Adaptive Filters - Principal and Independent Component Separation
3 - Event Detection: - ECG (P, Q, R Waves) - EEG (Rhythms, Epileptic Events)
4 - Frequency Domain Analysis: - Periodogram, Spectrogram - Power Spectrum Characterization - Multifrequency Analysis with Wavelets
5 - Time Domain Analysis: - Trend, Seasonality, Dispersion Measures
6 - Feature Extraction: - Normalization, Min-Max Scaler - PCA, Blind Source Separation


Biomedical Signal Analysis , 2015 , Rangaraj M. Rangayyan , Wiley- IEEE PRESS

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching method combines a theoretical-practical approach, including the presentation of theoretical concepts followed by problem-solving. Practical classes use MATLAB or similar software, with two types of assignments: group assignments with scripts and a final part more oriented towards the project. The laboratory sessions involve experimental work with scripts, illustrating specific parts of the theoretical content. In the final part of the semester, students tackle more specific problems, such as separating the fetal ECG signal from the mother's ECG signal or detecting an epileptic crisis in an EEG signal. Assessment in this curricular unit is divided into two parts, each contributing 50% to the final grade: a written exam to assess theoretical understanding and the design and implementation of an application for physiological signal analysis, providing a practical evaluation of acquired skills.