Subject: Computational Tools and Electronic Devices
Scientific Area:
64 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Mastering Computational Tools and CAD: Develop skills in using CAD software to design biomedical devices and components.
2 - Mastering Computational Tools and CAD: Develop skills in using CAD software to design biomedical devices and components.
3 - Integrating Technologies for Biomedical Innovation: Combine knowledge in CAD, 3D printing, and electronics to create innovative devices, considering ethical and sustainable aspects.
1 - CAD in Biomedical Engineering: Use of software to design biomedical devices.
2 - 3D Printing in Healthcare: Applications and techniques in the creation of prototypes and medical devices.
3 - Materials and Biocompatibility: Material selection and considerations on biocompatibility.
4 - Reverse Engineering and Prototyping: Techniques for analyzing and replicating medical devices.
5 - Electronic Equipment and Embedded Computing Platforms for Monitoring and Life Support.
6 - Mechatronics in Biomedical Engineering: Integration of electronic and mechanical systems in advanced devices.
7 - Testing and Validation of Prototypes: Methods to validate the performance of biomedical devices.
8 - Technological Integration and Practical Projects: Combining technologies in practical projects to develop innovative devices.
Awari, G. K., Thorat, C. S., Ambade, V., & Kothari, D. P. , 2021 , Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technology: Principles and Applications , CRC Press
Najarian, S., Dargahi, J., Darbemamieh, G., & Farkoush, S. H. , 2011 , Mechatronics in medicine - a biomedical engineering approach , McGraw-Hill Professional
White, E. , 2011 , Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software , O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The adopted teaching method integrates a theoretical-practical approach, combining the presentation of theoretical concepts with the practical resolution of problems. Practical classes involve the use of specific CAD, 3D printing, computing, and simulation software, providing students with a complete experience of the prototyping cycle. The assessment format for the curricular unit includes three weighted components: 30% for a detailed technical report, 30% for an oral presentation emphasizing project communication and understanding, and 40% for the practical project, evaluating the application of skills in CAD, 3D printing, and electronics, with ethical and sustainable considerations.