Subject: Biophysics

Scientific Area:

Biomedical Engineering


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Master the basic principles of Bioeletricity and Biomagnetism.
2 - Know the current state of the art and future perspectives in Bioeletricity and Biomagnetism.
3 - Know the operation principle of the main sensors, transducers and actuators based on Electric and Magnetic phenomena.
4 - Master the basic principles of Optics in biomedical systems.
5 - Know the current state of the art and future perspectives on optics in biomedical systems.
6 - Know the operation principle of the main sensors, transducers and actuators based on Optics phenomena.
7 - Measure electric, magnetic and optic quantities with their respective uncertainties.
8 - Encourage the construction and exploration of physical models.
9 - Develop skills that facilitate the design of new experiments in the domains of Bioelectricity, Biomagnetism and Optics in biomedical systems.


1 - Electrostatics.
2 - Coulomb's law.
3 - Principle of superposition.
4 - Electric potential.
5 - Electric field.
6 - Gauss's law.
7 - Electric dipole.
8 - Parallel plates capacitor.
9 - Electrostatic energy.
10 - Dielectrics.
11 - Principle of charge conservation.
12 - Electric current.
13 - Ohm's law.
14 - Magnetostatics.
15 - Magnetic field.
16 - Lorentz force.
17 - Mass spectroscopy.
18 - Ampere's law.
19 - Inductor.
20 - Law of Biot and Savart.
21 - Paramagnetism.
22 - Diamagnetism.
23 - Electromagnetic induction.
24 - Faraday's law.
25 - Motors and generators.
26 - Transformer.
27 - Piezoelectric effect.
28 - Thermoelectric effects.
29 - Bioelectric potentials.
30 - Currents in solutions.
31 - Cell membrane.
32 - Nernst-Planck equation.
33 - Mobility.
34 - Channels.
35 - Hodgkin-Huxley membrane model.
36 - Action potential.
37 - Optics.
38 - Reflection.
39 - Refraction.
40 - Difraction.
41 - Interference.
42 - Polarization.
43 - Vision in nature.
44 - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER).


R. Plonsey, R. C. Barr , 2007 , Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach , Springer
J. Malmivuo, R. Plonsey , 1995 , Bioelectromagnetism: Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields , Oxford
R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands , 2011 , The Feynman Lectures on Physics , Basic Books; New Millennium ed. edition
A. Saterbak, K. San, L. V. McIntire , 2017 , Bioengineering Fundamentals , Pearson
B. H. Brown, R. H. Smallwood, D. C. Barber, P. V. Lawford, D .R. Hose , 2017 , Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering , CRC Press

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology employed in theoretical classes is expositive. The topics are presented on the board or resorting to image and/or video projection. Sometimes, relevant experiments are displayed in the classroom to illustrate the concepts. A strong emphasis is placed in the connection between mathematical models and the real world. The theoretical-practical classes consist mainly of problem solving in order to solidify the theoretical concepts covered. Practical classes consist of experiments that provide skills with essential devices as well as some experimental data processing. The design of new experiments is highly encouraged. Evaluation Model: B. Evaluation Methodology: T and TP components: 3 written quizzes solved in a computer without aid materials and with calculator or excel. In the appeal period all of the 3 quizzes can be improved. Lab component: 2 lab tests (the second is optional).