Subject: Bases of Physiology

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand how the different tissues, organs and cells of the human body work together to maintain life;
2 - Acquire knowledge about the integration of different bodies into systems and their functioning;
3 - Understand the pathophysiology of some diseases;
4 - Know the physiological particularities of the human body throughout the life cycle.


1 - Introduction to Physiology - The role of the cell;
2 - Membrane, Nerve and Muscle Physiology - Transport across cell membranes; Membrane potentials and action potentials; Excitation and contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles;
3 - The circulatory system - Functioning of the cardiac muscle - Excitation and Contraction; The electrocardiogram; Pathophysiology of some arrhythmias and other pathologies that can affect the heart and vessels;
4 - Venous, Arterial and Lymphatic System;
5 - Central Nervous System;
6 - Renal System;
7 - Blood and Immunity;
8 - Respiratory system;
9 - Digestive System;
10 - Endocrine System;
11 - Reproductive system;


RR Seeley, TD Stephens, P Tate , 2004 , Anatomia e Fisiologia , Lusociência
AC Guyton, JE Hall , 2002 , Tratado de fisiologia médica , Guanabara e Koogan
A. Davies, A.G.H. Blakeley, C. Kidd, J.G. McGeown , 2002 , Fisiologia Humana , Artmed
Guyton, A. , 1992 , Tratado de Fisiologia Médica (8ª ed.). , Guanabara, Rio De Janeiro

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical-Practical Classes; ASSESSMENT: Continuous Assessment (0-20 values, with a minimum grade of 9.5) with a weight of 30%; Preparation and Presentation of work (0-20 values, with a minimum grade of 9.5) with a weight of 30%; Written Test (0-20 values, with a minimum grade of 9.5) with a weight of 40% - The final grade will correspond to the average of the three components of the assessment (continuous, work and test).