Subject: General Chemistry
Scientific Area:
82 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
1.1. - The aim is for the student to acquire and/or solidify fundamental knowledge in Chemistry, which will serve as a foundation for subsequent courses in the cycle of study. In particular, this course will focus on the composition and properties of matter, with the expectation that the student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in understanding the surrounding world, including living organisms, materials, and the interactions that can occur among them.
2.1. - Development of mental concentration capacity and autonomous study.
2.2. - Development of critical thinking.
2.3. - Ability to apply acquired knowledge to new situations.
2.4. - Development of laboratory skills in the field of Chemistry.
1 - REVIEW OF BASIC CHEMISTRY CONCEPTS. Atoms, molecules, and ions. Aqueous solutions and concentrations. Chemical formulas and equations. Solubility and precipitation reactions. Acids, bases, and neutralization reactions. Oxidation/reduction reactions.
2 - THERMOCHEMISTRY. Energy: definitions and forms. Reaction enthalpy. Specific heat and heat capacity. Hess's Law.
3 - ATOMIC STRUCTURE. Quantum theory. Bohr's atomic model. De Broglie's hypothesis. Heisenberg's principle. Schrödinger's equation. Orbital concept. Quantum numbers and electronic configuration. Periodicity of atomic properties.
4 - CHEMICAL BONDING. Ionic and covalent bonding. Lewis structures. Resonance. Electronegativity. Prediction of molecular geometry and polarity. Valence bond theory. Orbital hybridization. Molecular orbital theory. Band theory. Metallic bonding.
5 - STATES OF MATTER AND INTERMOLECULAR FORCES. Properties and laws of gases. Ideal gas equation. Kinetic theory of gases. Gas diffusion and effusion. Solubility of gases. Condensed phases and intermolecular forces. Properties of the solid state.
Jason Overby, Raymond Chang , 2021 , Chemistry , Mc Graw Hill
Alberto Romão Dias , 2007 , Ligação Química , IST Press
Andrew Burrows , John Holman , et al. , 2009 , Chemistry3: Introducing inorganic, organic and physical chemistry , Oxford Univ Press
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
This course comprises 48 hours of theoretical classes, 16 hours of theoretical-practical (TP) classes, and 18 hours of laboratory work (PL). In the theoretical classes, the professor's teaching is accompanied by multimedia presentations; throughout the classes, the professor is always open to answering students' questions and also poses questions/problems. In TP classes, students are encouraged to solve problems from a proposed list. In laboratory classes, students will perform laboratory work illustrating basic techniques in Chemistry. The assessment for this course consists of two written tests (each with a weight of 35% towards the final grade) and continuous evaluation of the laboratory component (30% weight). Final approval in the course depends on achieving a minimum grade of 9.5 in each assessment element.