Subject: Complex Wounds
Scientific Area:
24 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Understand the different factors that interfere with tissue integrity.
2 - Know the parameters of wound evaluation.
3 - To develop competences within the scope of nursing intervention for the prevention and treatment of complex wounds.
1 - Concept of chronic / complex wound. Impact of the wound on Quality of Life. Prevention of complex wound.
2 - Wound healing process. Factors that affect wound healing.
3 - Evaluation of the person with complex wound. Evaluation instruments; Dimensions to be assessed; Pain, exudate, odor, bleeding.
4 - Preparation of the wound bed. Cleaning. Cleaning solutions. Debridement Wound infection; Biofilms.
5 - Leg ulcer. Diabetic foot.
6 - Therapeutic options.
Anderson, .I , 2006 , Etiology, assessmente & management of leg ulcers. , Wound essentials.
Baranovski, S. & Ayello, E. , 2006 , . O Essencial Sobre o Tratamento de Feridas - Princípios Práticos. , Lusodidacta.
European Pressure Ulcer Advisort panel National Pressure Ulcer Advicery Panel, Pressure Injury Alliance , 2014 , Prevenção e Tratamento de Úlceras por Pressão: Guia de Consulta Rápida. , Emily Haesler (Ed.).
Menoita, E. C. , 2015 , Gestão de Feridas Complexas, , Lusodidacta.
Morison, M.J. , Moffatt C.J.& Franks P.J. , 2009 , Úlceras de perna: uma abordagem de aprendizagem baseada na resolução de problemas. , Lusodidacta.
Overhaussen, P . E. , 2012 , Úlceras do pé diabético: causas, diagnósticos e tratamentos , Lusociência.
Pinto, E. & Vieira, I. , 2012 , Prevenção e tratamento de feridas. Da evidência á Prática. , Versão Digital Care4wounds.
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
"The use of proximity and interactive methodologies are relevant for the enrichment of knowledge and experiences. The use of expository methods, bibliographic research and document analysis and problem solving through simulated cases. In this way, the different contents will be treated with an active-participatory methodology. The evaluation model is the B, according to the UMa appraisal evaluation regulations and includes a theoretical synthesis (50%) and an oral presentation with discussion about the state of the scientific knowledge of complex wounds and the care of the client and family (50%). Students are instructed by the teacher. The approval of the course implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5 values) and requires the presence in 80% of the hours. There is no recovery in resort / improvement or special season. The final classification is expressed in the scale of 0 to 20 values and is the responsibility of the teacher"