Subject: Chronic and Palliative Patient

Scientific Area:



24 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To deepen knowledge of palliative care;
2 - Develop knowledge that enable collaborate in solving the problems of patients in end of life and their families;
3 - Analyze data that support the end-of-life care, managing information from different sources;
4 - Use assessment instruments to identify actual and potential risks;
5 - Plans intervention face the person's needs at the end of life and her family by using existing resources neded to solve the problems;
6 - Applies knowledge about labor inter effective professional practices;
7 - To work in intra or interdisciplinary team favoring a climate of cooperation.


1 - Palliative Care: Concepts, Values and Principles
2 - The organizational model for the provision of palliative care in Madeira Island 2.1. Palliative care / continuing care in the health system in Madeira Island
3 - Principles of working in an interdisciplinary team
4 - Comunication in Palliative Care. Principles , strategies, obstacles and difficulties. Burnout Prevention
5 - Assessment spiritual needs. Culturally sensitive care: Spiritual and Religious Care
6 - General Principles of symptomatic control. The most important assessment tools in Palliative Care. Symptoms contol.
7 - Ethical and deontological principles.


Barbosa, A.& Neto, I. , 2016 , Manual de Cuidados Paliativos. , Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa.
Bermejo, J.C. , 2009 , Acompañamiento espiritual en Cuidados Paliativos , SalTerrae
Capelas, M.L.V. , 2014 , Indicadores de Qualidade para os Serviços de Cuidados Paliativos. , Universidade Católica Lisboa.
Centeno Cortés,C., Gómez Sancho, M., Nabal Vicuña, M.& Pascual López, A. , 2009 , Manual de Medicina Paliativa. , Navarra, S.A.
Lora González, R. , 2007 , Cuidados paliativos. Su dimension espiritual. , Toromítico.
Neto, I.G. , 2010 , Cuidados Paliativos, , Aletheia.
Ordem dos Enfermeiros. , 2015 , Estatuto da Ordem dos Enfermeiros , Lei nº156/2015, 16 setembro
Santos, A., S., Pêla, J., L.& Trindade, N. O papel dos cuidados paliativos. In: A. Costa, & M. Othero, , 2014 , Reabilitação em cuidados paliativos. , Lusodidacta.
Watson, M. , Lucas, C., Hoy, A.& Back, I. , 2005 , Oxford HandBook of Palliative Care. , Oxford: University Pres

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
"The use of proximity and interactive methodologies are relevant for the enrichment of knowledge and experiences. The use of expository methods, bibliographic research and document analysis and problem solving through simulated cases. In this way, the different contents will be treated with an active-participatory methodology. The evaluation model is the B, according to the UMa appraisal evaluation regulations and includes a theoretical synthesis (50%) and an oral presentation with discussion about the state of the scientific knowledge of chronic and palliative patient and the care of the client and family (50%). Students are instructed by the teacher. The approval of the course implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5 values) and requires the presence in 80% of the hours. There is recovery in resort / improvement or special season. The final classification is expressed in the scale of 0 to 20 values ​​and is the responsibility of the teacher"