Subject: Entrepreneurship and Nursing

Scientific Area:



24 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To understand concepts related to entrepreneurship.
2 - To analyse the relationship between entrepreneurship and health economics.
3 - To relate professionalism in nursing and entrepreneurship.


1 - Nursing Entrepreneurship;
1.1 - Entrepreneurship: concepts;
1.2 - Entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity;
1.3 - Develop entrepreneurial skills: the entrepreneur profile;
1.4 - The place of entrepreneurship in nursing;
1.4.1 - Social role and business performance: convergences and dissonances;
1.4.2 - Health economics and entrepreneurship: business opportunity and health gains;
1.4.3 - Roles, services and work contexts;
2 - Professionalism in nursing and entrepreneurship;
2.1 - Therapeutic, socio-occupational, legal, economic and ethical issues;
2.2 - The profile of the entrepreneur nurse.


Abreu, M. N. , 2007 , Empreendedorismo em Enfermagem , Formasau
Ferreira, M., Serra, F., Santos, J. , 2010 , Ser Empreendedor: pensar, criar e moldar a nova empresa , Edições Sílabo
IAPMEI-I.P. , 2016 , Guia Prático do Empreendedor , IAPMEI-I.P.
International Council of Nurses , 2004 , Guidelines on the nurse entre/intrapreneur providing nursing service , ICN
Queirós, P. , 2012 , Enfermagem: de Nightingale aos dias de hoje 100 anos , Unidade de investigação da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
Salminen, L., Lindberg E., Gustafsson, M.-L., Heinonen, J., Leino-Kilpi H. , 2014 , Entrepreneurship Education in Health Care Education , Education Research International
Sarkar, S. , 2014 , Empreendedorismo e Inovação , Escolar Editora.
Wilson, A., Whitaker, N., Whitford, D. , 2012 , Rising to challenge of health care reform with entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial nursing initiatives. , The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical and theoretical-practical sessions, using expository and interactive methodologies, case analysis and debates with the participation of experts. Individual and oriented research, with reflection, and discussion of cases in the room. Fieldwork referring to the problems of companies involved in the provision of health care. Assessment: Given the theoretical and practical nature of this Curriclar Unit, the evaluation will include 1 individual report (50%) and 1 thematic work, group, with presentation and discussion in seminar (50%). Evaluation model B according to RAAAUMA. The minimum grade in each element is 9.5 points. The student will be able to recover at the time of appeal/improvement.