Subject: Nursing X - Professional Development

Scientific Area:



88 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - To analyse the competence profile of the general care nurse.
2 - To reflect on professional development.
3 - To know the legal framework of the Portuguese Health System.
4 - Understand the ethical-deontological and legal framework of nursing practice: To analyse care situations and decide the intervention based on ethical principles and deontological and legal normative of the Nursing profession. To discuss issues of Bioethics.
5 - To analyse the professional practice of nursing in the context of the management of health organizations: To analyse the dimensions of nursing clinical supervision in the sociopolitical context of health organizations and their regulatory entities. To characterize the management of quality processes as promoters of continuous improvement of professional practice.
6 - To analyse the concept of entrepreneurship: To understand the relationship between entrepreneurship and health economics: innovation, creativity, business opportunity and health gains.


1 - Legal framework of professional practice: Legislation and official regulations in the scope of health and nursing.
2 - Legal framework of the Portuguese Health System.
3 - Professional practice legal framework: Legislation and official regulations in health and nursing.
4 - Concepts of Bioethics and Biolaw.
4.1 - Ethical-deontological and legal norms and individual and professional responsibility in nursing practice.
4.2 - References and processes for ethical decision making.
4.3 - Ethical issues in the practice of nursing care.
5 - Administration theories and influence on the structure and dynamics of health/nursing services.
5.1 - Administrative functions at strategic, tactical and operational levels.
5.2 - Management of human resources: leadership, staffing and clinical supervision.
5.3 - Quality assurance processes in health and nursing care.
6 - Notions of entrepreneurship.
6.1 - Insertion in the labour market: labour situation, demand and presentation: Curriculum, presentation letter, professional interview.


Abreu, M. N. , 2007 , Empreendedorismo em enfermagem: da autonomia à definição , Formasau
American Nurses Association, National Nursing Staff Development Organization , 2010 , Nursing professional development scope and standards of practice , N P D S S
Beauchamp, T. L. & Childress, J.F. , 2009 , Principles of biomedical ethics , Oxford University Press
Chiavenato, I. , 2003 , Administração nos novos tempos , Campus
Fry, S. T. & Veatch, R. M. , 2011 , Case studies in nursing ethics , Jones & Bartlett Learning
International Council of Nurses , 2016 , Enfermeiros: uma força para a mudança/para um sistema de saúde mais resiliente , Ordem dos Enfermeiros
Melo, H. P. , 2008 , Manual de biodireito , Almedina
Ordem dos Enfermeiros , 2012 , Regulamento do Perfil de Competências do Enfermeiro de Cuidados Gerais , Ordem dos Enfermeiros
Ordem dos Enfermeiros , 2015 , Código deontológico do enfermeiro: anotações e comentários , Ordem dos Enfermeiros

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Given the theoretical and practical nature, the methodologies used promote active learning and continuous interaction with and between students. These methodologies include the presentation of the contents by the teacher and the active participation of the students in the subjects covered, both in the discussion during the lecture sessions and in the research in the scope of their autonomous work. Group work will be carried out, using the oriented study and the discussion of cases between peers. Expert seminars on professional responsibility and the job search process are planned. The evaluation of learning outcomes includes the model B of the regulation of learning evaluation of the University of Madeira, namely: 1 individual written test (50%); 2 group work with oral presentation and discussion considering the integration of knowledge, organization, communication and participation in the development process (25% each).