Subject: Psychopathology

Scientific Area:



32 Hours

Number of ECTS:

2,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - To know the different theoretical perspectives and intervention models associated to the psychopathology.
2 - To identify the problems and pathological changes that most affect mental health throughout the life cycle: in childhood, adolescence, adult and the older people.
3 - To acquire skills to collaborate in the detection, therapeutic intervention and in the prevention of complications associated to psychopathological alterations, that they follow throughout the life cycle.


1 - Examination and clinical interview in the stages of life.
2 - Child: Psychopathology of behavior, cognitive functions, play, aggressiveness, sexuality.
3 - Defectology; Epilepsy; Autism and psychoses; anxiety; symptoms and neurotic organization; "depressive illness"; psychosomatic disorders.
4 - Adolescent: acting/passing to the act; psychopathology of the body, sexuality. Anxiety and neurosis; depression; suicide attempts; psychotic states and limit; psychopathic behaviors; dependencies.
5 - Adult and elderly: anxious, dissociative and somatoform phobic disorders, mood, personality; schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional; drug addiction, mental retardation; dementia.


American Psychiatric Association , 2013 , Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders:DSM-5 TM , American Psychiatric Association
D. T. Correia , 2013 , Manual de psicopatologia , Lidel - Edições Técnicas
P. Dalgalarongo , 2007 , Psicopatologia e semiologia dos transtornos mentais , Artmed
M. C. Santos , 2015 , Problemas de saúde mental em crianças e adolescentes. Identificar, avaliar e intervir , Edições Sílabo

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Exhibit methodology supported with audio-visual projections. Presentation of clinical cases complemented with discussions both in subgroups and in class. Research and study oriented. Posing questions for reflection on the various possibilities of therapeutic intervention in the area of mental health/illness, stimulating the development by the trainees of critical capacity and competences to intervene adequately in face of the different situations that present themselves in different health contexts and in the various stages of people's lives. RAAA of UMa Assessment Model A - Two elements: A written test (50% of the grade) and a written/case study work, individually or in subgroups (50% of the grade). Both recoverable elements in examination of appeal and improvement and in special season.