Subject: Health Education and Nursing
Scientific Area:
Educational Sciences
48 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - To know the theories and models of health education
2 - To characterize the intervention of Nursing in the scope of Health Education aiming at the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the modification of risk behaviors.
3 - Plan health education activities for the individual, group and communities.
1 - 1. Pedagogy in health: factors with impact on health.
2 - Theoretical fundamentals of learning: theories of learning; Heterogeneity and complexity of training.
3 - Cognitive and personal development throughout the life cycle: development and training; Specificity of the groups; Training needs analysis.
4 - Health education and Nursing: pedagogical principles in planning in health education for the individual, family, group and community; Health education in promoting healthy lifestyles and modifying risk behaviors; Factors that influence the lifestyle and the creation of habits; Models and strategies for health education.
5 - Strategies in pedagogical planning of health education: design and organization of training; Planning: modalities; diagnosis; Objectives: types, domains, characteristics and definition of strategies; Activity selection; Methods, techniques and means; Observation; evaluation.
Alonso, L. , 2007 , Formação ao longo da vida e aprender a aprender ,
Barros, R. , 2013 , Educação de adultos. Conceitos, processos e marcos históricos , Instituto Piaget
Carvalho, A.; Carvalho, G. , 2006 , Educação para a saúde: conceitos, práticas, e necessidade de formação. , Ordem dos Lusociência
Conselho de enfermagem , 2003 , Divulgar ? competências dos enfermeiros de cuidados gerais , Ordem dos Enfermeiros
Loureiro, I. & Miranda, N. , 2016 , Promover a saúde: dos fundamentos à ação , Almedina
Rodrigues, M.; Pereira, A.; Barroso, T. , 2008 , Educação para a saúde, formação pedagógica de educadores de saúde , Formasau
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
This theoretical-practical curricular unit provides as teaching methodologies the exposition of the contents by the teacher and the active participation of the students both in the discussion of the subjects addressed during the lectures, and in the research to be carried out in the context of their autonomous work and written work to be carried out, which will contemplate the planning of a health education activity. It is expected, in the normal evaluation period according to the model B evaluation of UMa student's learning, two components: a written test and a written work with oral presentation, each contributing 50% to the classification of this unit. The minimum mark of approval for each element is 9.5 points. If it is lower, the student can recover at the time of appeal. In resource/improvement and special evaluation periods, proceed as follows: for the resource each of the components, or both, can be recovered; for improvement, the evaluation will focus on the whole matter.