Subject: Phamacology, Nutrition and Dietetics

Scientific Area:

Life Sciences


56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1. - Characterize the life cycle, mechanisms of action and bio-transformation of drugs
2. - Describe aspects of safe drug administration
3. - Describe the major pharmacological groups, mechanisms of action and routes of administration
4. - To know forms of non-drug therapy
5. - Identify sources of information on medicinal products for human use and drug management
6. - List interventions to promote adherence to therapy
7. - Describe the importance of food and nutrition throughout the life cycle
8. - Explain the principles of healthy eating
9. - Describe the main factors influencing food choices
10. - Evaluate the user from the point of view of growth and nutritional
11. - State nursing interventions focused on the nutritional and nutritional needs of the patientritional


1. - Pharmacology and Therapeutics
1.1 - Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; throughout the life cycle; therapeutic and collateral effects;
1.2 - Routes of administration; preparation, administration and safe storage of the drugs
1.3 - Specificities, pharmacological groups and drugs with action in the devices and diagnostic means; enteral and parenteral nutrition; volumetric corrections and electrolytes
1.4 - Non-drug therapy
1.5 - Technical and socioeconomic considerations of medicines: Marketing and costs; Pharmacovigilance policies and systems; Sources of information Unit dose; Industry and pharmacy services.
1.6 - Adherence to therapy
2. - Nutrition and dietetics
2.1 - Food and nutrients
2.2 - Principles and importance of healthy eating and factors influencing food choices
2.3 - Anthropometric measures and nutritional assessment
2.4 - Nursing care plans geared to the client's nutritional needs


Brunton, L. , 2015 , Manual de Farmacologia e Terapêutica , MeGrawHill.
Golan; et al , 2014 , Princípios de farmacologia: a base fisiopatológica da farmacoterapia , Guanabara.
Elisabete Borges , 2018 , Enfermagem do Trabalho. Formação, Investigação e Estratégias de Intervenção , Lidel
Oliveira, Junior , 2013 , Princípios da farmacologia básica e as ciências biológicas e da saúde , Rideel.
Potter, A. P.; Perry, A. Griffin. , 2006 , Fundamentos de enfermagem: conceitos e procedimentos. , Lusociência.
Nunes, L. S. , 2017 , Health literacy in children and adolescents (HLCA) advancing children?s and adolescent?s health literacy: concepts and methods for health promotion by use of the Salutogenic Approach and Socialization Theories. ,
Randa Hilal-Dandan e Laurence L. Burton , 2018 , Manual de Farmacologia e Terapêutica de Godman & Gilman , McGraw Hill
Bertram G. Katzung, Susan B. Masters e Anthony J. Trevor , 2018 , Farmacologia Básica e Clínica (12ºedição) , McGraw Hill
 Yvonne Stock e Bruce Clayton , 2017 , Farmacologia na Prática de Enfermagem , Mosby Elsevier
Mussoi Thiago Durand , 2017 , Avaliação Nutricional na Prática Clínica , Guanabara Koogan
Michael J Gibney, Susan A Lanham-New, Aedin Cassidy, Hester Vorster , 2018 , Introdução à Nutrição Humana , Guanabara Koogan

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Given the theoretical and theoretical practical typology of the UC will be used the expository and interactive method. Group work will be carried out to discuss and analyze themes with the participation of trainees. We will also use active methods such as brainstorming and debate that favor the acquisition of knowledge and the critical ability of trainees. In the scope of the autonomous work of the student will be encouraged the research in scientific data base and the study. The evaluation shall be in accordance with model B foreseen in RAAAUMa. The evaluation elements correspond to 1 individual frequency for assessment of knowledge and 1 group work with oral presentation, both of which will rank as minimum for approval 9,5. The two elements are recoverable in resource and / or special examination. The grade improvement will be carried out on the entire subject matter.