Subject: Optical and Mobile Communications

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Fundamentals of light propagation in optical fibers. Multimode and singlemode optical fibers. Losses and dispersion.
2 - Manufacture of optical fibers, cables, mechanical and fusion connections, couplers.
3 - Incoherent (LED) and coherent optical sources (LASER).
4 - PIN and avalanche photodetectors. Responsivity.
5 - Laboratory implementation of an optical communication link, simulation work for a small optical network and synthesis work for optical communications.
6 - National, regional and access optical core network.
7 - Architecture of the cellular network: functional elements, notions of planning and increased capacity and coverage.
8 - Propagation in the channel: loss, models of signal fading and mitigation.
9 - Dimensioning the budget link.
10 - Multiple access schemes in cellular networks: FDMA / TDMA; CDMA, OFDMA.
11 - Cellular networks: GSM, and LTE, wireless local area networks: IEEE802.11 standard (WiFi networks).
12 - Analysis and simulation tools: MATLAB simulations to solidify theoretical concepts


1 - Introduction to optical communications. Elements of an optical communications system.
2 - Propagation in optical fibers. Losses. Dispersal. Multimode and singlemode fibers.
3 - Optical fibers, cables, connections and couplers. Manufacturing techniques.
4 - Optical sources. Spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. LED and laser diodes.
5 - Photodetectors PIN. Avalanche photodetectors (APD). Responsiveness.
6 - Features of an optical connection. Power balance and dispersion.
7 - National, regional and access optical core network.
8 - Introduction to wireless mobile networks: technologies, architecture and evolution.
9 - Cell network concept: cell concept, cell planning, frequency reuse, interference, handover.
10 - Propagation in cellular networks: loss of propagation and signal fading, mitigation of fading.
11 - Dimensioning the budget link.
12 - Access to the medium: FDMA / TDMA, CDMA and OFDMA.
13 - Mobile cellular systems: GSM / GPRS, UMTS and LTE. - Wireless local networks: IEEE802.11 (WiFi).


R. Ramaswami, K. Sivarajan , 2009 , Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective, 3rd Edition , Morgan Kaufmann
Theodore Rappaport , 2002 , Wireless Communications, principles and practice , Prentice Hall
Jochen Schiller , 2003 , Mobile Communications , Addison-Wesley
Gerd Keiser , 2011 , Optical Fiber Communications, Fourth Edition , McGraw-Hill
John M. Senior , 2009 , Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice , Pearson - Prentice Hall
Joseph C. Palais , 2020 , Fiber Optic Communications, 5th Edition , Pearson
Cory Beard and William Stallings , 2016 , Wireless Communication Networks and Systems , Pearson Education Limited
Kaveh Pahlavan and Prashant Krishnamurthy , 2013 , Principles of Wireless Access and Localization , J. Wiley & Sons Ltd

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Teaching Methodology: Theoretical lectures. Resolution of theoretical and practical exercises. In the field of optical communications, practical laboratory work, simulation work and synthesis work. In the area of ​​mobile communications, the theoretical-practical classes include the resolution of exercises proposed in a Matlab environment to consolidate the acquired theoretical concepts. Evaluation: In the area of ​​optical communications 1 Frequency during the semester: 35% of the final grade. Laboratory and simulation practice in optical communications: 10% of the final grade. 1 Synthesis works in optical communications: 5% of the final grade. In the area of ​​mobile communications: 1 Frequency during the semester: 35% of the final grade. Class questions in the area of ​​mobile communications: 15% of the final grade.