Subject: Electrical Power Systems

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Introduce the concept of electric power system and its structure of production, transmission, distribution and supply.
2 - Reviewing the basics of alternating current, load wiring diagrams, models and conversion systems of electrical energy: the transformers and electrical machines.
3 - Understand the components that constitute the transmission lines of electric power, losses and limitations, and study the transit of energy.
4 - To study the effects of short-circuit and overvoltage in power grid and design protection systems.
5 - Acquire knowledge of control of voltage and frequency in order to ensure static and transient stability of electric power systems.
6 - Introduce the elements of economic and financial analysis of electrical power systems.


1 - Introduction: Structure of power system; Electrical network; Distributed generation; Environmental Aspects.
2 - Basic concepts: Symbolic representation; Energy and power; The load diagram; Representation by units; Power Quality.
3 - Basic concepts and models: Power Transformer; Synchronous machine; Induction machine.
4 - Power transmission lines: Principle of energy transmission in AC and DC; Models of transmission lines.
5 - Energy transit: Formulation of network model; The transit of energy equations; Numerical methods of solving the energy transit.
6 - Short-circuit currents: Transients; Sizing of relays and fuses for symmetrical short-circuit currents.
7 - Frequency and voltage control.
8 - Stability in energy systems: Static and transient stability.
9 - Protection Systems: Overvoltages; Protection devices
10 - Economic factors: Elements of financial and economic analysis.


J. P. S. Paiva , 2005 , Redes de Energia Eléctrica: uma Análise Sistémica , IST Press
O. I. Elgerd , 1982 , Electric Energy Systems Theory: an Introduction , McGraw-Hill
J. J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson , 1994 , Power System Analysis , McGraw-Hill
B.M. Weedy and B.J. Cory , 1998 , Electric Power Systems , Wiley
A.R. Bergen and V. Vittal , 2000 , Power Systems Analysis , Prentice Hall

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Teaching methodologies: - Lectures; - Solving exercises; - Individual work to evaluation; - Presentation of individual assessment work. Evaluation: - Tests (50%) : the exam are aimed at evaluating the theoretical knowledge and theoretical-practical of students on the subjects taught. - Oral: The oral evaluations are, firstly, in order to develop oral communication skills, and secondly, allow assess knowledge about the contents taught. - Practical assessment (30%): The practical assessment aim to deepen and consolidate an area of knowledge of the subjects taught and allow students to develop writing skills, presentation of results, oral communication and teamwork. - Final practical work (20%): The final practical work allows students to develop research and consolidation of knowledge and verify the students ability to relate material from several chapters to find solutions of the proposed topic. Students have to prepare a report and make a presentation type like a workshop.