Subject: Communication Systems

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - This course aims to provide students with a set of basic skills in communication systems, on mathematical concepts and on technical applications. Discipline includes:
2 - The study of analog modulation systems and the influence of noise.
3 - The study of digital communication systems including signal representation of samples, their encoding methods and performance analysis of such systems.
4 - The aim is also to present the practical example of the SDH transport network for voice and data.


1 - Introduction to Communication Systems.
2 - Signals and linear systems: Fourier transform; transmission in linear sytems; random processes and random variables.
3 - Amplitude modulation: modulation AM; DSB-SC; USSB, LSSB; frequency multiplexing.
4 - Angular (phase and frequency) modulation, narrow and wide band; Modulators and demodulators.
5 - Noise: sources of noise; white noise; noise transmission, equivalent noise bandwidth.
6 - Noise in modulation : AWGN channel; receiver model; noise in analog receivers for AM and FM pré-enphasis and de-enphasis in FM.
7 - AD convertion and impulse modulation: time-multiplexing; sampling, Nyquist theorem; PAM and TDM; PCM; Delta modulation.
8 - Noise in PCM and DM systems
9 - Digital modulation: ASK; PSK and FSK; Noise in digital systems.
10 - Transmission in analog networks; digital switching; signalling; Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission.
11 - SDH / SONET - "Synchronous Optical NETwork".


H. Taub & D. Schilling , 1986 , Principles of Communication Systems , McGraw-Hill
J. G. Proakis and M. Salehi , 2001 , Communication Systems Engineering , Prentice Hall
W. Goralski , 2001 , Optical Networking and WDM , McGraw-Hill
S. Haykin, , "Communication Systems" , John Wiley & Sons
B. Carlson, P. B. Crilly e J. C. Rutledge , Communication Systems , McGrawHill

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
- Lectures; - Solving exercises; - Practical work; Evaluation: - Oral examinations; - Mini-tests; - Presentations and elaboration of reports; - Exam.